Stage Seventeen: I Knew It...Oh Crap!

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The first time I actually opened up to someone, trusted them, and it was all a dream. Something I never thought about in my life; something so foreign to me and yet, and yet, it felt so normal, so completely normal.

The ringing bell interrupted my thoughts as the school day concluded. I needed to head home and get some answers to these questions in my mind. And if I was right that may not have been a dream afterall.

I stood up from my chair in seventh period after the bell rang, gathered my things and moved towards the door. Something was off. The two guys in the back of the classroom were still watching me; their hands slowly went into their pockets, one started talking to his wristwatch, and I knew something was off. I exited the room in haste and made my way down the stairs before dodging a huge collection of students, ran right passed the principal who looked at me storm past as if he had just seen a ghost.

I jumped over the railings and dashed down the hallway before slamming open the crash doors we had for the front entrance and racing down the flight of steps and stood there on the pavement looking over the small town.

Tall business buildings covers the streets and everybody moved through their normal day, that is except for the five foot eight two hundred pound black mad reading a newspaper leaning against the buss stop, the homeless woman with perfect teeth and a brand new wrist watch, and twins walking down the sidewalk towards me, the woman pushing her doll as she jogged down the street and him, seven foot tall monster coming at me from behind. Hand over mouth he dragged me into the alley.

I tried to scream through his glove and I fought but to no avail.

He let me go and I spun around... It was him, the Tracker. I didn't know what to say. My mind went back to the last time i saw him. I bit my lower lip and tried to speak but nothing came out of my frustration. "Are, are you real? Did I really get out of bed this morning? What's really going on?"

He just extended his hand to me. I made a fist, then it released itself time and time again. I moved it close to his but pulled away last second. I looked from his mammoth hand to his masked face trying to decide what to do, I eventually gave in and placed my infant hand in his, his finger curled over mine and he pulled me along. I ran beside him. The wind picking up my wavy hair and flinging it around my shoulders as I ran with him.


The satellite imagery showed the two of them running down the alley.

"All units move in" Came the order. Instantly the woman pushing her stroller, the man reading his newspaper, the twins walking down the road took off in a dead out sprint for the alley.

"What did I say, he's a turncoat" said a sneaky woman's voice.

"Get them, and kill him. I won't have a traitor"

"Good thing I warned you about him. When he called it in and told us tonight I knew for sure he was the mole. If you ask me, I knew I smelled a traitor the moment he joined our ranks" her gloating was cut off abruptly by a bullet slamming into her chest.

"You know, I thought he had a partner. Just never suspected it would be you" - Came the creepy voice as he stepped over the body - "Clean that mess up"


The Tracker picked me up and placed me on top of the fence and gave me the signal to weight a minute, I jumped to the other side and watched him through a crack in the fence. He engaged with all of the at the same time. With the sun reflecting off this leather coat he looked like something from a movie as his limbs moved with precision and speed.

He cleared the fence and grabbed my hand moving again at a fast clip; we sprinted through the town. People looked at us with confusion and panic seeing him, his hood was up, but that still didn't make things any less wearied.

"I knew that family was wearied" exclaimed Joe Miller, one of the old men in the town they sat around the barbershops and restaurants picking up on the town gossip.

"Ya, we'll I knew that family was a bunch of ninjas and spies from the moment I laid my eyes on em" Declared Matthew Billings his co-conspirator.

"Them Wong's are not ninjas or spies, their just strange" Joe corrected.

"I know a ninja when I see'em! And that boy who ran by with Queen is some sort of Tracker. I just know it!"

"You wanna know what I know? You been playing those dumb games again with your grandson!"

We dashed up the steps and through the front door to see my parents in their suits. My heart stopped.

"So it wasn't a dream" I mumbled. Dad, err, Thunderstorm looked at my hand, seeing it swallowed in his was not a pleasant sight and even with that mask on I could tell. Mom, or The Black Panther just giggled and reached over to take dads.

The tracker was a good half foot or so taller than Dad and towered over mom and I. His build was stronger and sturdier. His shoulders broader and I found myself comparing the two of them as if I actually liked him. I didn't let go of his hand.

"Queen, we packed you a set of supplies and we have to move, Now" They switched to invisibly and since I didn't have one Tracker just kept holding my hand giving me that gift. I was so confused. "What's going on?" I demanded

"We'll explain everything when we get their Queen" mom answered.

Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now