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I hate school.
I walked up the steps to see Brady marching my way.

"Miss me lady?" He said pushing me

"Let me go." I pushed away from him.

"You're lucky I was in alternative school." He punched my nose and grabbed my hair.

I didn't usually fight back, but the way he acted made me pissed. I swung my hand back and slapped him. He threw me to the ground and kicked my back.

"Stop messing with him." A voice said

Brady turned around and a small girl came into view.

"If you don't wanna go back to alt. School I suggest you stop." She jabbed his chest.

I looked up at her like she was God himself.

"Let's take you to the nurse." She held out a hand.

"Yeahhh... it's broken." The nurse said pinching my bridge

"Ow." I whimpered

I got up and she called my parents.

"Well I can't because I'm at work!" My mom yelled from the phone.

"I'll take him." Said the girl

I followed her to the parking lot and got in her car. It smelled like perfume and pizza.

"I'm sorry about Brady, he always acts like this when he's mad." She said starting the engine.

"Is he your brother?" I asked looking at her.

"No, my boyfriend."

Out of all the people in the world, this jerk had a girlfriend.

"I feel even more sorry for you." I laughed

She parked and we got out. I walked up to the desk and the woman stared at my nose.

"Broken nose?" She asked chewing her gum.

I nodded and she slid paperwork towards me. I sat down and filled it out.

After I handed in the form she pointed to the elevator and said

"Room 58."

I walked down the white hallway to the room. A doctor was sitting down typing on their computer.

"Hello." He said getting up.

He studied my face and a nurse entered and gave him my paperwork.

"Broken nose eh?" He said amused.

He kept squeezing and touching the bridge of my nose and finally said

"Well, we'll cast it and in about 2 weeks it'll be healed." He walked out the room.

A young nurse entered and started bandaging my nose. I turned to leave and caught a glimpse of myself. My face was red and blood was drying on my shirt.

I got back in her car and she offered to buy me ice cream.

"My name's Casey by the way." She said pulling up to the drive-thru

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