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I saw him in class today, I didn't really know what to say. He kept messing with his sleeves. I guess he was cold, but when he raised his arm,the sleeve uncovered 8 scars. They looked like razor cuts but, could be something else. I just studied them and then went back to doing my test. I hate math.

I kept fumbling with sleeve.The fabric rubbed against my cuts and burned. I didn't put anything on them yet. I just did them 4 hours ago. I was still depressed, I kept thinking about Ella. We used to sit next to each other and share jokes. We always had detention for doing pranks and lighting sparklers outside the school.
I miss her so much. I miss Daniel too. I haven't talked to him since last summer. I guess he made 2 new friends, to replace us. I doodled little hearts on my test, I didn't wanna do it because I didn't study for shit and I just don't care.
I walked out as soon as 7th period bell rung. I saw Travis coming in my direction and I picked up my pace. He eventually cornered me and I wouldn't look at him. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. His breath blew against my nose, not that it smelled bad, I was just uncomfortable.

"What was that on your arm?" That question made my heart sink.

I tried to think up a lie but when they weren't believable I just flat out told him.

"I cut." I forced out.

His eyes flashed something, hurt? Anger? Whatever it was, he wasn't too pleased.

"When did you cut yourself?" He asked

"About 5 hours ago" I gulped

He didn't say anything for a while, which worried me. He pulled me into the biggest hug. I felt somewhat better after all this.

After school we walked to his house.
He made me walk to his bathroom.

"Let me see." He said

I slowly pulled up my sleeve to reveal old and new cuts. He traced his fingers gingerly across them.
He pulled out some alcohol and swabs.

"It might sting." He quietly said.

He rubbed my new cuts over with the wet swab. I bit my lip and watch the swab go over the last cut. He blew on my arm to cool down the stinging. He wrapped my arm in a bandage and looked down at me.

"Better." He questioned


He smiled at me and I smiled back, we walked to his room and he picked up his xbox.

"Wanna play cod?" He asked me

I nodded my head, not knowing what the fuck cod even was.

"How do you run, or shoot?" I asked him for the 5th time.

He squinted at the screen and ignored me, again. I decided to figure it out by myself. I aimed at the nearest guy and shot him. Travis threw down his controller.

"You just shot me!" He yelled

I started laughing at him, he was so busy playing he didn't try to help me.
He picked up the controller and respawned. I tried to find him again so I could kill him, again.
I kept shooting at him until he screeched at me. I rolled off his bed laughing at how salty he was.
He threw a pillow at my face. I got up and smacked him with the pillow. He snatched another from his bed and hit me back.
We set up barriers to block hits. I was in his closet, throwing shoes at him. He was behind his bed throwing back whatever I threw at him. Someone knocked at his door and called for dinner. He slowly got up and I threw his emo ass boot at him.

"Ow!" He whispered

I followed him downstairs and sat close to him. His parents stared at me and I forgot, they didn't really know me.

"Oh, um... I'm Harley.I live across the street." I finally said

They smiled and nodded at me. Throughout dinner they looked at Travis and I knowingly. What were they thinking?

After helping them clean up I said goodbye and walked back home.

"Hey Harls." Said my sister walking downstairs

"Hey Diamond." I replied

"Where were you?"

"Across the street."


"So um, how do you know if a guy I MEAN GIRL, is into you?"

"If they get into parent mode, looks at you like they wanna bang you and likes to be near you." She said before sliding out the kitchen

I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed. I put in my earbuds and listened to the Blue Neighbourhood album until I fell asleep.

Harley Where stories live. Discover now