Chapter 1

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Just want to say that i only own the main character and other characters are L.J Smiths from the book the Vampire Diaries. No copyright intended. All rights for the characters Damon, Stefan, Elena, Katherine, Klaus, Jeremy, Bonnie, Alaric etc go to L.J Smith. This is just a fan fic but i hope you enjoy! :) Oh and sorry for any grammar, spelling & punctuation mistakes, i suck (no pun intended) at editting.


I sat laughing as I watched my two brothers fighting about whether or not they should buy the cheap scotch or the expensive type, Damon was going for expensive as you would expect but poor, dear Stefan wasn't giving up without a fight, bless him.

"Stefan, we are not buying that god awful stuff that makes hooker blood taste like freaking candy. No way so just drop it."

"Damon, we don't have enough money for the one you want plus you have to buy it from freaking Germany and how exactly are we going to get down there? Please, enlighten me all knowing brother."

"I don't know, were vampires, we'll figure it out!"

And on and on it went like that, while i just sat and laughed before finally having enough of their petty argument and butting in making them shut up nice and quickly.

"Boys!" All eyes turned to me, both pouting because they knew they were in for a scolding.

"This is ridiculous, we have enough scotch to last at least 3 years, Stefan Damon is right we won't be buying that shitty stuff but Damon Stefan is right as well, we will not be buying that German one. We'll have to compromise and get one that's just as nice and just as cheap and if you have a problem with it then don't speak because I'm not listening. 'Kay? Good. Bye boys." 

I left them standing there absolutely gob smacked that they were both, in some ways, winning yet losing. Amazing.

When you've lived with two vampire boys you learn to keep them in their place, especially when your their older sister and are a lot more powerful than them, in more ways than one.

 I walked out the doors of the boarding house and headed towards my car which was parked next to Damon's Ferrari. Jumping in i gunned the engine and sped off towards The Mystic Grill, laughing over Damon's expression when i finished talking earlier. Priceless.

Reaching my destination i hoped out of my car and walked into the restaurant/bar place heading straight for the bar and ordering a whiskey. Unlike Damon i prefer whiskey to scotch.

I was staring off into space when a familiar scent filled my nose making me smile inwardly at my, pretty much, best friend Katherine, now don't be fooled she's a cold, heartless bitch and i hate her to pieces, especially since she got my two brothers killed but she's been there for me when i needed her most and for that she was on relatively good list. Surprisingly i could also trust her with my life which has proved in the past, probably making up for what happened in 1864.

"And what do i owe the pleasure miss pierce?" I asked in a mock polite tone. From the corner of my eye i could see her smile.

"Oh you know, i was just around and saw you staring into space and thought 'hey, why not go and bother my best friend in the whole wide world'" She replied sarcastically.

"Ha ha. Funny. What do you really want?" I asked her seriously turning to face her straight on.

"Okay, so a certain vampire werewolf who wants me and Elena dead may or may not be coming to Mystic Falls in a certainly short amount of time which would scare two certain people to the point of running. You never know." She added with a sheepish shrug and smile.

"First off, your not running so don't even think about it and second off you know while i'm here he wouldn't do anything."

She scoffed while looking around her. I finished off my whiskey, paid the counter girl and got up to leave, Katherine hot on my tail. 

We got into my car and drove back to the boarding house where we found Damon drinking his scotch while gazing thoughtfully into the fire and Stefan and Elena huddled on one of the couches with a blanket around them. How cosy.

"Right, we have a wee bit of a problem lads and lasses." I said in a Scottish accent and a big smile.

They all gave me weird looks, Damon downing his drink with a 'oh dear she's finally lost it' expression on his face, Stefan and Elena staring at each wondering what to say to that and Katherine being Katherine punched me hard with a look that said 'shut the hell up you retard' before she went and sat in an armchair far from the couch the lovely couple were huddled on.

"And what would that problem be, my slightly screwed in the head sister?" Damon asked sarcastically while smiling a small smile at me.

I looked at Katherine to tell her to explain and with a sigh she repeated a reasonably shortened version of what she told me in The Grill, "Klaus is coming back to Mystic Falls, don't know why or when but i know that he is."

Almost instantly the atmosphere in the room turned ridiculously tense and i couldn't help but try and break the tension in the only way i know how, twisted humour, "So, big bad werewolf watch then?"

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now