Chapter 18

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Everything has been different since I woke up.

Everyone has been acting differently, tip toeing around me like if the said anything wrong, did anything wrong I would break.

It's the most infuriating thing that I've had to encounter in my extremely long life.

I'd asked them why they were behaving so delicately with me, I'd told them I'd only had a nap and it wasn't that big of a deal but all I got was even more worried looks.

They thought that I didn't notice the glances they would make towards me and then towards each other, but of course I did. They liked to think they were super quick and secret but they really, really weren't.

Things just got even more annoying for me, I started staying up in my room because I couldn't take the way they would all stare at me like I was going to spontaneously combust at any moment.

And then there was Klaus.

I remember waking up in his arms surrounded by him and everyone else, I'd asked why I woke up in his arms but all I got was a shake of the head and being told not to worry.

Of course I would worry, common sense people.

After that day Klaus had decided to stay at the boarding house with me and had, against my will, taken up refuge in my bedroom, or should I say my bed.

Usually I wouldn't mind having him next to me and waking up to his smiling face every morning but given the circumstances it was pretty annoying.

Everything was annoying...everyone was annoying.

That was a week ago.


"Klaus, it's been a week, I'm fine, you can leave now." I mumbled into my pillow as I had an internal rant about how much I hate being babysat.

"No Layla, I told you, until everything has blown over and Vincent is gone you're not leaving my site. End of." He stated with authority not even bothering to turn away from my balcony windows.

I growled irritatedly into the pillow mentally pushing him off my balcony, that's how angry I was right now.

Ignoring him when he tried talking to me, I felt myself falling asleep and finally gave in.

I woke up to Klaus shaking me and a worried look on his face.

"What?!" I shouted, incredibly annoyed that he'd woken me up before I was ready to be woken up. I was having a lovely dream as well.

Klaus' face lit up with a smile at my irritated tone and he dropped a kiss on my forehead before wrapping his arms around me.

"I want to take you out. Away. Soon." He mumbled into my hair.

Thank God for vampire hearing otherwise I would've been pretty screwed from his muffled talking.

Suddenly his words caught up to me and I managed to pull myself away from his embrace to stare up at his face.

"Say what?"

A small smile appeared on his face again at my dumbfounded look and tone.

"Let's go away. Have some us time, God knows we need it." He said with more confidence this time.

Shaking my head, I looked up at him like he'd grown another head.

"Are you serious right now?! Where would we even go? This is incredibly bad timing you know that right?" I asked incredulously.

"I already asked Elena and she said we could use her families cabin. I realise it's bad timing but it's also probably the only time were going to get by ourselves for a while. As for 'am I serious', yes I am, deadly."

A chuckle escaped my mouth as I processed everything he'd just told me and I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he'd already put so much thought into it.

I shrugged as I continued to grin at him.

"Sure, why not?!"

I didn't know it was possible but he managed to squeeze me even closer to him at my vague answer.

My chuckle extended into a full blown laugh as I hugged him back, happy that we were actually getting along. 

"We leave in three days, love." He murmured to me before planting a kiss on my forehead again.

We continued hugging for a while before something dawned on me.

What were we exactly?

Pulling away from Klaus completely I looked up at his confused face, watching as his bright smile slowly dimmed from my blank expression.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked uncertainly.

"What are we Klaus? I mean you put me through so much, then you come back and suddenly you're all nice and cuddly. What's your game?" I whispered, slowly backing away from him. 

All my happier mood from earlier completely gone as I realised he could be playing me like a fiddle.

He sighed, turning his head away from me for a brief moment before looking back, right into my eyes.

"I know I put you through a lot, made you do things you never wanted to do. I turned you into something you both hated and loved and I don't regret that at all. If I could I would steal you away and take you back to that life but I know that you want to stay here, with your family and I completely respect that Layla." He stated convincingly.

I scoffed thinking it was just too good to be true.

Klaus shook his head at me knowing I wasn't buying it.

"I don't want to force you into something that will make you unhappy anymore Layla. I don't want to be the one that destroys every ounce of good that is left in you even after everything we've both done. After all that I've done, the wrong I've made you cause I want to change that. You know why?" He asked staring at me intensely.

I shook my head as an answer willing myself to believe that what he was saying was true, hoping that this wasn't a game, that he really did want to change and right the wrong we both caused in the past.

"It's because I love you Layla. So, so much." He whispered.

I could see him watching my reaction. Sure he'd said he loved me before but something about this time was different. It was as if he were saying it for the first and the last time. Like he was laying his life on a line just for me and not holding anything back, I had the power to make or break this and he knew it.

The fact that he'd done that just proved how true his words really were. How much he really did mean them.

That thought alone brought a bright smile to my face as I launched myself into his arms.

"I love you too, so, so, so much. God I love you." I murmured as I showered his face with kisses, as he laughed and chuckled underneath me.

In that one, precise moment I felt something that I hadn't felt for a very long time.

Pure, unfiltered happiness.


After mine and Klaus' confession's Katherine barged into my room demanding we go to The Grill for a meal and drink.

That's how I ended up sat at a table in The Grill, staring at my group of family and friends, smiling and laughing with each other, looking like there wasn't a care in the world because at that very moment there wasn't.

Sharing a smile with a laughing Damon I realised just how much they all meant to me.

Even if I had to give up my own life I would protect them like they had all done for me.

Because that's what you do for family, protect them.


Things are getting intense... I hope you're all liking it so far! I'm not gonna say much apart from watch out for the other chapters. Not very long but ah well. Comment Vote Fan! 

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now