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Damon's POV

Two months had passed since Layla died. Was killed would probably be the better term but thinking of it like that just made me go mad. 

It made me want to track down the guy that staked her and put him out of his own misery but in the worse way possible.

Klaus had disappeared and no one had any idea where he went. He'd taken the death badly and I understood that.

But it still made me wonder; where was he? What was he doing?


Stefan's POV

Damon took Layla's death hard. When I say hard I mean he went absolutely psychotic.

He went on killing sprees not just in Mystic Falls but in towns around us as well and the council was having a hard time covering everything up.

They had made so many threats to him through the Sheriff but nothing was working.

He'd gone unstable and I was honestly scared for his mental state because this is exactly the opposite of what Layla would have wanted from him and from Klaus.

They were just as bad as each other and that didn't sit well with me.

During the fight two months ago Elena didn't wake up at all, it was weird but it was even weirder when she did wake up.

She was distant. She barely talked to anyone and when she did it was like she had her mind on something else, something more important that the people around her mourning the death of a great loved one and quite frankly I had no idea what to do.

I did know though, that nothing was the same after Layla's death and nothing will be the same ever again although I hope with the whole of my heart that things will change for the better.


Katherine's POV

When Layla died I was so sad, so heartbroken.

The one person who was like my twin sister was killed right in front of me and I just didn't know how to handle it.

Then came the anger. 

I was so angry, so, so angry I ddin't know what to do with myself.

I would lash out at people for the smallest things and then the sadness would come again, the regret but I pushed it all away and focused on the anger.

The anger was welcomed because it was comforting, I could deal with anger, I had been angry my whole life so it was like home to me.

This anger though was different because I wasn't angry at the world, I wasn't angry at Damon for once, I was angry and Vincent.

Just his name made me furious, made me want to track him down and rip out his neck, heart, everything that means anything to him just like he did with Layla.

And then there's Stefan; he tries to act tough, like the glue sticking us all together, holding us up but everyone knows that at times glue isn't strong enough. Glue can't fight against something being ripped off and that is exactly what is happening. Were all ripping apart. Going insane with grief and anger and sadness.

Even Stefan who likes to think he's taking this well; denial is the worst thing when it comes to things like this because after denial comes the sadness and then the never ending anger.

At the end of it all we will all be angry and three angry vampires together is never good.

I don't see them much, they're all pretty wary around me because I let my anger control me and that makes me just about as unstable as Damon who lets his hunger control him.

They understand but they don't at the same time. 

It's a coping mechanism, there's nothing they can do about it.

Damon uses hunger, Stefan is glue and me, well I relish in the anger. It's all I can do.


Elena's POV

After Vincent killed Layla everything had changed so much.

The brothers were different; Damon went and killed innocent people and Stefan kept up a pretense that everything was fine. It wasn't and we all knew that.

After I woke up from being knocked out I felt weird, I couldn't really describe it but I guess the closest word to how I was feeling was stronger?! Like I could take on anything; vampire, werewolf, anything.

Katherine had become the old Katherine, the one that never hesitated to kill but this time it was different, it was the anger she let in and it made me wonder what would happen when she finally let it go. What would she do then.

They all did these things to mourn their sister and I understood that but I also understood that this couldn't last forever and I was honestly scared for when reality came crashing back down on them.

I guess I'm going to need all of this new found strength then aren't I?!

No one knows what happened to Klaus or Vincent; they had both disappeared, Vincent straight away, Klaus, after he couldn't take it any more.

That worried me, it worried all of us because we all know that an unstable hybrid is never a good hybrid but they're all too wrapped up in their own problems to realise that new problems are already unraveling out there. Waiting for us to realise and try to solve them.

It might be relatively calm now, they might be in the grief stages but I know when they all snap out of it and reality comes kicking at their back doors it's not going to be over.

This is just the calm before the storm.

Things are far from finished.


Ohhhhhhh! It's officially over guys! Don't Hate Me Hybrid is officially COMPLETED! Aaaaaaaaah! First ever story that I've finished completely aha, I'm so proud of myself :P Well I hope you like it guys! AND there WILL be a sequel to this, I just need to plan it all out and finish my other fan fic before starting it but look out 'cos it's coming back ;) COMMENT VOTE FAN! PLEASE HELP ME OUT IN WATTY AWARDS GUYS WOULD MEAN LOADS!!!

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now