Chapter 12

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"So were just going to stand here and do nothing then?" Katherine asked incredulously glancing at each of us in turn.

Damon grunted in frustration turning around to glare at her, "Well what exactly did you have in mind Katherine dear." He muttered sarcastically.

With a sigh I turned back to look at Elena as she lay there with her eyes clamped shut in what looked like pain and the bright orange aura surrounding her pulsing brilliantly.

I saw, just in time, Katherine reach forward and try and touch the aura delicately when she was suddenly flung back soaring at an unbelievable speed before crashing back first into a tree trunk three feet away.

I gasped loudly, quickly running towards her as the boys just stood with their mouths agape staring confusedly between us and the orange aura.

Snapping out of it they both ran quickly towards us kneeling down to make sure Katherine was alright.

Pushing the hair out of her eyes and surveying every inch of her body I could see I asked her if she was okay, "Kat, you alright?"

She groaned in reply, her eyes fluttering open before staring bemusedly at Elena's helpless form on the ground.

"Remind me to never go around touching pulsing auras." Kat mumbled making me chuckle slightly.

Stefan shot up quickly turning to look at his almost lifeless girlfriend before turning to face us, "I guess all we can do is sit, wait and hope for the best." He mumbled an underlining of sadness and anger seeping into his voice.

We sat and waited for what felt like hours but was only really fifteen minutes and still, nothing happened to Elena, she just laid there lifeless and surrounded by bright orange light.

We had all never felt so helpless in our entire existence, even Katherine who didn't particularly like Elena felt as if she should still try to do something but anytime she suggested an idea we all reminded her of her first smart idea.

She effectively shut up after that.

Damon thought that after a few minutes the light might start to dim down a bit and we may be able to get to Elena. We had all tried getting through to her telepathically but it was as if she was blocked off from us all both physically and mentally. 

This thought alone almost made Stefan go into a mental breakdown which Damon and Katherine both enthusiastically slapped him out of.

Seriously, they both slapped him on different cheeks as he started to show signs of hysteria.

We were all currently either stood or sat about two metres away from Elena watching intently for any sign that could give away what we could do to help her but nothing happened.

"Well this is a huge bummer." Damon stated, his eyes never leaving Elena's form.

I was about to reply when the beating of the aura quickened significantly, its brightness becoming lighter and lighter to point where I and the others, had to look away as it become to sensitive for our vampire eyes.

We stayed like that for a few moments before I couldn't resist and chanced a look at the brightness gasping in surprise when I saw the girl from my dream a few days ago; Lillian.

We stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime before she smiled exposing her teeth that looked normal, not sharp like a vampires but not particularly blunt like a humans.

I looked back up into her eyes seeing her watching me before she mouthed two things that confused the life out of me. 

"1241. Incarnation."

I didn't have long to consider or worry about what that meant before darkness consumed me completely.


I woke up after only a few seconds, quickly jumping up and searching for the others who had suddenly disappeared.

I quickly grew confused at my surroundings or lack of should I say.

I was in what looked like a tube of some sort and it was completely black, almost as if night time had taken over, there was not even a pinch of light in the tube but I could see almost clearly thanks to my enhanced sight.

"Damon! Stefan! Anyone!!" I screamed turning in a circle, my personal impression of a dog it seems  like.

I realised fast though, that there was no one here with me, I was complete and utterly alone.

I stood in silence for a while contemplating on what I should do considering I had never been in this particular predicament before in my whole existence.

Half way through my mental rambling though I heard what sounded like a whisper. 

I turned slightly, my head tilting to see if I could hear it again and I did, more this time though before the whole room was suddenly echoing whispers from every possible nook and cranny.

I felt my eyebrows furrow as I tried to decipher what they were saying but every time I got even a little bit close they would change their course of noise almost as if they didn't want me to hear their conversation but wanted me to know they were there.

Creepy meter just sky rocketed.

I sighed loudly closing my eyes and hanging my head before slowly opening them again and screaming loudly at the sight below me.

It was everyone in the forest, Damon, Stefan, Katherine and Elena all stood where I had left them but no one had realised I was unconscious which I thought was very rude considering i'm now trapped in a black hole. Thanks guys.

I turned my eyes from my unconcious form to the rest of the group as the watched in scared fascination as the aura surrounding Elena start to pulse inwards, towards her dying body that even from up here I could barely hear a beat of her pulse.

We all stared on in shock as the orange light consumed her, disappearing momentarily before bursting outwards knocking the my three friends off their feet, sending them flying back into the trees surrounding them.

Katherine was not going to be happy about being flung about a second time, i'll tell you that.

I watched on in annoyance wincing as my own body was flung back painfully into a huge tree trunk before plopping back onto the ground in an awkward position; that was going to hurt like a bitch later on.

The others must have thought i'd been knocked unconscious as I saw them glance towards me with worry before rushing at superhuman speed towards a gasping and fearful Elena who passed out soon after causing Stefan to rip into his wrist giving Elena his healing blood without any hesitation.

My eyes widened suddenly as a high pitched piercing scream of pain cut through the silent night air breaking the tension surrounding my friends and making them turn towards my twisting and convulsing body.

I myself couldn't feel any pain only a slight dull throbbing around my body but I flinched substantially as my arms and legs cracked and twisted into inhuman, even for a vampire, positions.

Damon ran quickly to my side trying to wake me up but the shrill screaming kept on my bones cracking and breaking themselves as I watched helplessly the pain in my real body starting to come through to my spirit body.

I had the sudden urge to turn around and as I did I jumped back in shock at the old fashioned man wearing a black suit with a bow tie and top hat but an out of place bright gold cloak on his back. My knees buckled under me as I got a sudden flash of recognition before the strange man was smiling evilly and walked straight through me.

Both bodies arched in unbelieveable pain as I saw nothing but darkness, not even the grinning face of Lillian.


Oh emmm geeeee, the twist at the end was super spontaneous, I didn't even know I was gonna put that in there ahahaaha! Whatcha think anyway? Comment Vote Fan :) xx

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now