Chapter 6

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"We all need to keep an eye on her, I don't know what Klaus said yesterday but it's affected her and we can't have a repeat of what happened last time he got to her."

"Yes, but we can't keep protecting her like she's a child, she hates it and you know it."

"That may be the case, brother, but i'm not willing to let my only sister become a killing machine and possibly ruin the world with that dick she loves for some absurd reason."

I was currently stood behind the door to the living room, silently, listening in on what my brothers were talking about and it was clear that they were speaking about me, go figure.

"Look, Damon, I know you only want the best for Layla but she can take care of herself and make her own decisions."

"That's very true, Stefan, I can take care of myself so both of you back off." I butted in walking towards the kitchen and pointedly ignoring the glares and stares being thrown my way. 

"I'm just trying to look out for you Layla. You know that." Damon sighed, pouring himself yet another bourbon.

Stopping short of the kitchen door, I turned around to stare at the two most important boys in my life, "I know you're trying to look out for me but sometimes you have to leave me to make my mistakes and if this is one of them, again, then so be it. I'm sorry Damon but you need to drop this over protective act, plus it doesn't suit you, stick to the bad ass 'I don't give a shit' act." I said adding in a wink on the end before walking into the ridiculously big kitchen and making some blood tea.

"Haha, you're so funny Layla, really you should be a comedian." Damon shouted from the living room.

I understand that they are trying to look out for me but sometimes i just need to do my own thing and anyway I won't let anything Klaus days affect me and I am definitely not going back to my old ways, never again.

I walked up stairs and got ready still mulling over what Damon and Stefan had said about me when they thought I was asleep. When I was ready I mumbled an 'I'm going out' and ran to the grill where I would hopefully have a few hours to myself, of course my life is never easy.

I sat down at the bar ordering a double scotch and just thinking over everything that has happened since we found out Klaus was coming back to Mystic Falls. I really wanted to find out what his intentions were, it could benefit everyone if we had a way to get him out of the town and protect all of the innocent lives that are currently in danger at this moment in time.

I was staring down at my scotch watching as it sloshed around with the tiniest movement of my hand when i felt someone sit down on the school next to me.

"Beer please."

I sighed, irritated, "What are you doing here?"

I heard him chuckle softly before sipping his beer, im guessing. "Same as you, leaving the world, having a drink. Just whatever any normal human being does."

I scoffed loudly turning to face him, "Yeah, except your not a 'normal human being' are you?"

Klaus glared at me looking just as irritated as i felt, "Please, shout that out even louder and put me in danger why don't you."

I smirked at him looking dead into his eyes before stating, "Trust me, i would. Don't tempt me."

I got up to go the ladies rest room, ignoring Klaus completely. I stopped to talk to Matt, Elena and Bonnie briefly before carrying on to the toilets. When i got there i made sure my make up and everything was fine and fluffed my hair a little to add volume before turning back around to head out only to gasp incredulously at Klaus who was stood smiling down at me. I stared at him quizzically before everything went black.

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now