Chapter 10

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"Katherine stop!"

"Stop struggling and just run, damn it!"

"No! Stop! Let me go!"

Katherine finally released me and I took a step back from her, staring at her like she was a mad woman. 

"What the hell were you thinking back there?!"

"I was angry okay? I just acted on my impulse. I'm a vampire in case you forgot." She replied sarcastically.

"I hadn't forgotten but seriously? Was there any need to stake the bitch?"

"I believe you just answered your own question my dear."

"I'm going back there and I'm going to apologise on your behalf. No objections! Get back to the boarding house." When Katherine didn't make any notion to move I shouted, "Now!"

Katherine turned running off to the boarding house and I turned back to make my way back to the clearing I knew Klaus and Allison were in.

I approached softly, my footsteps barely making a sound in the quiet night around us.

Loud curses and grunts were all that could be heard as I got closer to the clearing and if I hadn't of been here beforehand I would've thought something extremely inappropriate was going on.

I got closer and closer to the clearing and before I stepped out I saw Klaus swiftly pull the stake from Allison's gut, who was swearing repeatedly.

Making my presence known by stepping out of the coverage of the trees, snapping a branch in my wake, Allison's head snapped up, an angry glare and scowl on her face.

"You really shouldn't of come back here Layla." Klaus mumbled, standing awkwardly between me and Allison, tension thick in the air.

"Tell your little friend she better watch out. I always get my own back." Allison hissed angrily.

"You wouldn't dare go after her."

"Really?" She scoffed, eyes twinkling with mischief and anger. "Watch me." 

She started forward, stumbling slightly from her still healing torso, but she never made it that far before she dropped to the ground clutching her head and screaming.

I stared down at her, my facial expression unfazed and blank, to the outsider I may have looked like a zombie.

I could faintly hear Klaus shouting at me, in the background, but I paid no attention to it. 

"Layla, stop!" He screamed, desperation clear in his voice making me turn to look at him with a questioning look.

"Why should I?" 

"Because she means something to me. I care about her, that's why!"

It felt like my heart had stopped beating, tears built up in my eyes threatening to fall and the slightest of blinks. 

I stared back at him, his face covered in desperation and worry.

I blinked and the screaming stopped, Klaus instantly running to her side making sure she was alright.

"I understand now." I whispered, my voice breaking with heartache and pure pain.

I turned then, leaving them together, finally letting the tears that had threatened to fall, fall.


I walked down the stairs silently, eyes sore from the hours of crying I had done locked up in my room.

As I walked into the living room Damon and Stefan looked up, worry instantly covering their faces and both rushing to my side ushering me towards to the couch.

For the past two hours I had spent locked up in my room crying they had spent the entire time taking turns knocking on my door and demanding me to open up, asking what was wrong and just being normal brothers for once.

"Layla, what's wrong?" Stefan mumbled, soothing my hair down as my head laid on his shoulder and Damon handed me a glass of bourbon which I instantly downed, wincing afterwards from the bitter taste it left behind.

"I love him."

Stefan stiffened under me, all movement stopping around me and I could practically taste the tension surrounding us.

"Who, Layla?" Damon asked carefully.

"Klaus." I whispered before breaking down yet again.

I would never be out of tears when it came to Klaus, that much I knew.


I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being carried up a flight of stairs and propped onto my bed, a soft kiss being placed on my forehead.

I fell asleep almost straight away again, crying really had worn me out.

I was expecting a normal sleepless night but before I knew it I was standing in a huge room in front of two people that looked very important.

"Lillian, you and Klaus are to be married in a years time." One of the two people said, she was a Lady and looked to be of very high status.

My head dropped as if without my own control and I mumbled, "Yes mother."

My right hand was lifted and I shyly looked up to be face to face with an older looking Klaus, his hair was longer and he looked a lot more roughed up but other than that nothing had really changed.

Klaus smiled at me and butterflies suddenly erupted in my stomach whether from me or this Lillian girl.

"I'll make you happy Lillian. I promise." Klaus said before kissing my hand, a charming yet deceitful smile on his face.


I walked quickly into The Grill, determination making my steps quick and purposeful.

Scanning the area quickly I spotted Klaus sat by himself reading a newspaper.

I walked up to him not letting the nerves and butterflies steer me away. Grabbing the chair opposite him I sat and stared at him not wanting to be the first one to speak even though I had approached him and not the other way around.

"Did you want something?" He asked not bothering to look up from his paper.

"I had a dream last night. Pretty strange really. You were in it and some Lillian girl."

I noticed how he stiffened at the name Lillian and glanced up at me quickly before looking at his paper intently.

"That's nice."

"Yeah! These people were telling them that they were to be married. I don't suppose you'd know anything about it since you were in the dream?" I questioned even though I knew it would be pointless.

Klaus put his paper down and stared intensely into my eyes, "It was a dream Layla. Nothing but a dream so no I wouldn't know anything about it. You're taking this a step too far don't you think?" He stated harshly before getting up and walking away leaving me sat at his table a dumbfounded look on my face.

I sat there for a while pondering my thoughts and the way Klaus acted when I brought my dream up with him.

What felt like hours later but was probably only thirty minutes, Damon sat in front of me a bottle of vodka in one hand and bourbon in the other.

With a suggestive smirk he handed the vodka bottle to me, "What'd ya say little sis? You up for a party?!"

I grinned at him, snatching the bottle and taking a huge gulp before replying enthusiastically, "You know me, always up for a party."

The rest was history.


I updated! Yay :) So, I was really angry and thought that i'd vent my anger into writing and well WALLA! ;) hope you like it x PS. Please leave comments, I love to actually know that people are reading it and enjoying it! Much love :')

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now