Chapter 17

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 After waking up alone, I had thought that I’d just dreamt Klaus sneaking into my room during the night and holding me but the faint smell of him on my pillows told me otherwise.

I have to admit I was slightly hurt that he’d just leave me in the morning but I knew that with everything going on nothing was going to be exactly easy in whatever dysfunctional relationship we have.

I’d decided to go into the nearest town to do some shopping, wanting nothing more than to have just one more day where I wouldn’t have to worry about someone/thing trying to kill me or any drama of that sort.

Walking out of the small cafe, I started on a small walk towards a small, barely noticeable shop that sold shoes and other items of clothing.

With my headphones in my ears and a small smile on my face due to the sun shining down brightly I almost didn’t notice the red head and blond walking across the street from me, key word being almost.

Pausing momentarily in my steps I barely had time to wonder what the hell Rebecca was doing with Allison before logic caught up with me and I tried to sneak discreetly into the small clearing between two shops without being seen.

Typically, luck just wasn’t on my side and just as I was about to approach the small entry way a certain red head snapped her eyes towards mine, briefly making eye contact.

Great, there goes my drama free day.

Slowly my head turned away from them and I continued on down the road towards my original destination but before I could get too close Rebecca and Allison appeared in front of me.

Rebecca’s face was completely blank, void of any emotion whilst Allison was sneering slightly, glaring at me in complete and utter hatred.

Trying to be polite and avoid any awkwardness I turned towards Rebecca, smiling slightly in greeting, when I didn’t get a smile back i decided to actually talk this time.

“Hi Rebecca.” I murmured, glancing towards Allison from the corner of my eye to see her watching the exchange in questionable amusement.

The only reply I got from Rebecca was a blink before she turned to look at Allison as if asking whether or not she’s able to speak to me.

I stood there in wonder, not quite sure whether to be worried about Rebecca’s new change in behaviour or scared that it looked as if Allison was basically controlling her.

Looking at Allison again I only just caught the slight shake of her head before Rebecca wandered off down the road where I had first spotted the two new best friends not even five minutes ago.

“Bye, Layla.” Allison sneered before turning and following Rebecca down the road.

Okay, now I’m definitely just worried about Rebecca now; first I see her with Alaric who suddenly hates me and Damon, and then I see her in town with Allison who I know without a doubt hates my whole being.

Why does it feel as if things have just taken a major turn for the worse?

Shoe shopping forgotten I quickly hurried home to try and find any possible thing out about Allison and who she really is because I know for certain there is something different about her.

Shouting out a quick greeting to anyone who might be in the house, I rushed upstairs into my bedroom to begin my research.

 After around two hours of searching for any historical events or information to do with a girl called Allison I gave up.

I was only being met with a load of disappointment at finding absolutely nothing, it’s like she didn’t even exist and still doesn’t.

Whoever she is, she knows how to hide and stay hidden that’s for sure.

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now