Chapter 7 Part 2

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We both stayed in that position for a long time, nether knowing exactly what to do but both knowing that we should be moving. 

Eventually snapping out of it I ran as fast I could towards where I thought the scream was coming from, discreetly aware of Kathering following behind me.

Hearing the scream again made us both speed up now fully attentive that this could be one our of friends that was hurt and in danger, possibly. 

We stopped dead in our tracks, after letting the sound lead us to our current position, and looked up at the old building in front of us that looked as if it were about to crumple and fall at any gfiven moment. 

"This is probably a trap, you know?" Katherine mumbled, still staring at the building.

Not even sparing a glance in her direction I replied through gritted teeth, "Yes, but this could be someone we or anyone else in our family care about."

I heard her sigh softly before following me into the building and up the stairs directly opposite the front door. 

Not really sure of where to go I followed the direction of the stairs until I came to the second floor where floor boards were missing and mice were scurrying about looking for decent hiding places.

"Do you smell that?" 

I looked at Katherine for a second before sniffing the air, noticing the faint smell of blood coming from the left of us. 

Heading in that direction the smell got increasingly stronger before all I could smell was the appetising stench of blood; definitely human.

"Take a deep breath or breathe through your mouth." I mumbled to Katherine, creeping towards the room where the smell was strongest.

I heard her mutter back, "I can hold it, I don't know about you."

I rolled my eyes thinking about how immature she was at this very serious moment in time.

Without any hesitation I opened the door to the room in front of me and was momentarily paralysed by shock.

There in a chair looking all bloody and beat up was Elena, she looked like she was on the verge of death but what shocked me the most was the writing on the wall above her and obvious threat to me and Katherine. 

Whoever did this to Elena must have known that we would be the ones to find her.

I stood staring at the wall while Katherine helped untangle Elena from the chair, careful not to jog her too much because of her injuries.

'This is only the start. I will hurt you like you hurt me but much, much worse bitch.'

Who would do something like that and what did that threat even mean? 

It was so confusing to even think about but I knew I couldn't just ignore it, whoever wrote this and whoever did this to Elena obviously meant business.

"We need to get out of her, she's lost too much blood." Katherine mumbled from beside me, Elena limp and barely breathing in her arms.

I nodded, quickly running out of the building with Katherine and Elena, en route to the boarding house where hopefully someone, preferably Stefan, would be there.

Thankfully as we ran into the house Stefan was stood pacing anxiously, "Have you two seen Elena I can't find her-"

Noticing the limp body in Katherine's arms my brother ran towards her carefully taking Elena from him her and running into the living room, placing her on the couch. 

"You need to give her blood Stefan, she won't die but wait any longer, in this state and without blood she could. Take the risk." I said quietly, watching as he fussed over her not really knowing exactly what to do.

He nodded silently, biting into his wrist and raising it into her mouth while I held her head up. 

When he thought she had drank enough he gently took his arm away and I carefully laid her head down on the pillows, walking away from them as Stefan rushed around getting supplies to clean the blood of his girlfriend.

We all waited around for hours, anxious for Elena to wake up like we knew she would. 

Eventually that time came, around three in the morning and muffled groan and grunt was heard from the couch Elena was lying on and as she lifted her head to look around her everyone breathed a sigh of relief also hearing the strong heartbeat coming from her.

Stefan rushed towards her making sure she was okay and telling her to keep still because she might be a bit sore still. 

"It was Vincent. He attacked me as I was leaving The Grill." Elena mumbled, her eyes constantly trying to close and make her body fall asleep again.

"Sleep, sweetheart." Stefan whispered, kissing her forehead softly before tucking her in with a blanket.

"I don't care who or why Vincent is here but he's a dead man walking." Stefan stated angrily, his back turned from us but we could still see the muscles in his back contracting as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

"Yeah." I mumbled back and saw Katherine nod from the corner of my eye, nether of us wanting to speak too loud.

I didn't even mention the threat because I knew that would send Stefan over the edge and that is not what any of us need right now.

"We'll help you." Katherine muttered, not lifting her head from staring intently at the floor. 

I was shocked that she would want to help us after Stefan's show of affection towards Elena but I didn't question it, happy that she was finally accepting it.

Or she was making it look like she was because I could see the tears falling silently from her eyes before she wiped them away.

I ignored it, making it seem like I hadn't seen her cry and carried on staring at my angry brother.

Suddenly the front door slammed open, banging against the wall and all our heads snapped up towards the hallway leading towards the door, Elena still lying on the couch sleeping silently.

We stood stock still shocked at the sight before us, Damon stumbling it with a stake in his stomach and not too far but far enough from his heart and what looked like another in his back.

No one knew what to do as he grunted and groaned slugging towards us, his face contorted in pain.

He collapsed at the top of the few stairs leading into the leaving room and I rushed towards him, my mind in a scurry over why he was like this when he whispered, "Klaus", and blacked out.

At that moment no one, definitely, knew what to do.


Part two! Was it good? Tell me what you think! Oh and look out, in a few days, for my new Vampire Diaries FanFic called Love Like An Original, I think you're gonna like it! :')

Don't Hate Me Hybrid (A TVD Fan Fic) Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now