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It happened so quickly, so fast I had no idea what in the hell was going on. I was well trained just like my old man, but they never prepared us for this. I tried to gain control of our aircraft when my RIO ejected in a panic his head snapping back and hitting the canopy as I ejected flawlessly. My RIO's body felt like a ton as I tried to move us and water kept pushing us back getting in my mouth. I cried out water getting in my mouth again causing me to gasp and sputter. I screamed crying holding my bloodied RIO in my arms the green color around us. The waters waves pushed me backwards and pulled me under my RIO his weight pushing me down. I pushed Goosche off me tears streaming. I couldn't bear to get another RIO. I have been around Goosche since we were kids. I pushed under again sputtering screaming as the coast guard arrived.
A man on a rope was lowered down to us the helicopters wake pushing me under and then I pushed back up bringing Goosche's body with me. I took the man's hand dripping wet. I looked down as I was brought up to the helicopter.
"What about Goosche?" I asked.
"He's dead ma'am." He told me. "He's My RIO. My responsibility!" I say.
"Sorry ma'am. We can't do anything for him except bring him up." The man said, "I'd suggest you buckle up ma'am."
'What did I do wrong??' I thought.
"It's okay Kid." One man said.
"You'll get used to it." One said.
"You never get used to it Billy-Tom. I'm 25 and I'm still getting over losing Tommy Boy and that was years ago." Another said.
I tuned them out because, you never really get used to it.

Melt down (#1 In TheTom Kazansky Series)Where stories live. Discover now