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"So???" Said Ghost rider, "Lets go somewhere."
I heard some snorts and snickering from others around us changing or just getting out of the shower.
"Excuse me?" I say chuckling.
"I could continue blathering on trying to hopelessly woo you, but let's cut to the chase." Ghost rider said.
"That's a good pickup line Peter Mitchell." I tease smirking. If only he knew how dumb he sounded. Iceman looked at me smiling chewing the gum in his mouth.
"Heyy man," he said, "that's my girl.."
"She is?" Ghost rider said, "I don't see your name tattooed across her forehead or somethin."
I was tense hoping the boys wouldn't fight.
"Ghost rider," he said snarling, "She's my bitch."
"But you can be mine." Said Flame thrower as we all laughed.
Ghost rider chuckled.
"Nah. I'll go for the only lady in the room, thanks." Ghost rider snarled.
"Sorry Ghost rider." I say, "I'm spoken for tonight."
Me and Iceman were two peas n a pod, even though we did have our moments.
"Yeah man." He said beside me chomping hard, "The lady said it."
"Sorry." I say shrugging making the boys laugh as Ghost rider left to take a shower.
"He needs to take a hint." Said FlameThrower.
I loudly closed my locker.
"Yeah." Says Flash watching me storm off in my dress clothes for the party. They all looked at Iceman who was burning a hole through Ghost riders locker and changed his clothes. He slammed his locker closed fuming with rage and anger.

Melt down (#1 In TheTom Kazansky Series)Where stories live. Discover now