Melting The Icemans Heart

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I got back to the locker room soaked in sweat. I opened it seeing the picture of Goosche and I,sighed while I leaned. Brushing back the hairs that stood on end on the back of my neck I closed my eyes. I was supposed to be the only one in the locker room because all the guys were out playing on the beach. I leaned closer to my locker sobs rocking my body, I was too close to Goosche to leave him behind, but I had to eventually get over his death. The warmth at my waist caused me to drop the picture. I whirled around nose-to-nose with Iceman. We were so close I could hear his quiet breathing.
"You're supposed to still be playing on the beach." I say slightly grinning.
"Not really." He says back, "Frisbee isn't my thing. I'm more of a flying type of guy."
I smirked. Being the only woman pilot in Top Gun I was able to get away with a lot of things, but not relationships with a fellow pilot. I found a spot to change Iceman waiting for me to say something. I chuckled laying the clean clothes out. Iceman followed me still waiting for me. 
"Why isn't it your thing Ice?" I say, "It is hot outside and your the only thing that's cold out there."
He was silent for a while as I pumped the wrench till I heard a click. He pulled the mechanic chair from under the aircraft grease on my face as he dropped to a push up position. No one except myself, Pete Mitchell and Iceman were allowed in the hangar to repair the aircraft's and Pete was out with Goose, Human Torch and Slider. My heart raced as our eyes met and he brushed his thumb across the grease spots from the plane on my cheeks smearing them. Ice felt tense when I put my arms around him.
"I've waited so long to get you alone." He whispered.
"Yeah." I say his aviators falling and the sound echoing. "You take my breath away." He said, "Every damn time I look at you I go crazy.."
"Well do something about it then." I say getting cocky.
"I will." He snarled back, "Yours or mine?"
"Yours." I say smiling.
He smiled kissing me.
"Your on." He said when I pushed the mechanic chair to the back of the aircraft and dropped the tools off at the tool box on the carpentry table locking up. Iceman slipped his hand into mine warmly.

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