Love on Christmas

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Christmas Day (a week after)

Harry's POV

I was in the Great Hall, on Christmas Day. Dumbledore decided that all the guests should sit on one table instead of four, so my plan was a go. Mum and dad were to my left, and Raine, Remus and Sirius were opposite me.

Raine winked at me, causing me to turn around to see Cain walk in with Luna, laughing and talking. I grinned and waved them over to sit with us.

"Hi Harry." Luna greeted

"Hey Harry!" Cain grinned.

"Merry Christmas girls!" I laughed.

"Hey everyone else" Cain laughed. The Marauders smiled and rolled their eyes.

She sat down next to me, Luna to her right. She took a sip of her pumpkin juice and turned back to Luna, debating the existence of wakspurts.

I looked to Raine, who nodded. The tiny pink vial of Amortentia slipped from my sleeve and into my hand. I quickly poured to contents into her drink and put the vial away.

She waved goodbye to Luna, who was leaving and took a bite of toast.

"Toast?" I raised an eyebrow

She grinned. "I have to keep up the image Harry, I can't do that by pigging out."

"But it's Christmas!" I wined

She chuckled, shaking her head.

"So what are you doing today?" I asked quickly as I saw her reaching for her drink.

She watched me carefully as she took a sip. She put the drink down and blushed furiously.

"N-nothing much." she looked away shyly.

Yes! This is what I've been waiting for!

I grabbed her tiny hand in mine and set it gently on the table, wrapping my other arm around her waist- bringing her closer to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I sighed contently, smiling. The Marauders grinned- watching silently.

Eventually I looked around to see most people had left the hall. I kissed Cain's cheek and stood, gently leading her out of the Great Hall- unable to keep the grin off my face. The Marauders got up after us, casting a disillusion spell on themselves so they would not be seen by Cain. 


For hours we walked around Hogwarts, hand in hand, just talking. I had never felt happier in my life. We reached the seventh floor and I walked up to a blank wall. I need a place to dance.

A door appeared and I gently pulled Cain into the Room of Requirement. I smiled softly, getting lost in her wide hazel eyes. I pulled her into the middle of the room, wrapping her arms around my neck- my arms around her waist.

I spun her around in circles, like a music-less dance. She sighed and leaned her head on my chest, allowing me to lead the dance.

Raine's POV

Aw! Who knew little Harry could be this romantic??

Sirius' POV

She looks just like me... My little girl's alive. But why didn't she tell me?

Lily's POV

They're so perfect for each other... My little boy's growing up...

Harry's POV

Cain looked up at me- smiling.

"Hey" she whispered, pointing above us. My eyes widened- and I knew Remus had conjured the mistletoe. *rolls eyes* How cliche... Ah, I don't care.

Using a finger, I lifted her chin- her lips meeting mine. Fireworks flew as our lips parted, only to meet again and again in a slow but passionate kiss.

We pulled away and I could cry. Today was perfect- complete. Nothing short of a miracle could make it better.


It was six at night, and I brought Valkyrie up to the top of the Astronomy Tower to see the sunset. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders from behind her- both of us facing the sunset. It started snowing lightly and I smiled softly, watching the beauty in my arms.

"It's so beautiful." she whispered.

"Yeah." I agreed- the two of us talking about different things.

She turned to face me, kissing me sweetly on the lips.

"Nothing could be more perfect right now." she whispered.

I paused before replying, "If this could last forever- I would die a happy man."

She kissed me again and we spent the night in the tower- savouring the company.

Because, come morning it would be like it never happened....


Aww! Harry is soo romantic!

Sorry it was a bit cliche though.. Couldn't be helped.

The next chapter will be up soon.

Until then,


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