Awake... to a disturbing occurance

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Third Person's POV

Healers rushed into the room, pulling out their wands to cast the necessary spells to save Valkyrie's life. Sirius and Harry stepped away from the bed and out of the healers way as the rest of the New Marauders apparated into the room, immediately realising why they had been called.

Lily rushed to Harry, pulling him into her arms as he sobbed. Sirius stared at his daughter's body- which was slowly but surely turning grey. He backed into the wall behind him, sliding down it until he sat in a ball, legs curled to his chest as his daughter slipped away from the land of the living.

Suddenly, Valkyrie's body jerked violently and her eyes shot open; breathing heavily.


Three Weeks Later

Harry's POV

I sat cross legged on the end of Cain's bed, watching her stare intently at her hands. She did that a lot nowadays, staring off into space to avoid talking to us. I sighed and leaned forward to hold her hand when her head snapped up and she yanked herself away from me- and out of reach. She looked scared... of me.

"Leave me alone!" she said in a hysterical voice.

I looked at her carefully- really worried about her.

"Sirius! Can you come here please?" I said quietly- trying not to scare her.

The curtains around her bed parted as Sirius walked through them- the Marauders watching her reactions carefully.

She saw him immediately and backed away- hitting the head board of the bed. Sirius ignored her backing away and came closer slowly and carefully. He sat on the bed next to her and she started sobbing uncontrollably.

He took a deep breath and scooped Cain into his arms- sitting her on his lap with his chin resting on her head. She screamed hysterically, thrashing and struggling against him. Sirius held on to her, tight enough to keep her there- but softly enough not to hurt her in her fragile state; all the while being extremely careful not to pull out the wires in her skin that were keeping her alive.


Hours passed and Cain eventually stopped screaming, but continuing to sob. Eventually she fell asleep as Sirius gently stroked her upper arms in a soothing manner.

A healer walked in and looked pitifully at Cain.

"Valkyrie is being transferred to Merlin's Hospital for the Insane." she monotoned.

"Hey! She's not insane!" I yelled at the stupid healer- who the hell did she think she was; calling my love insane? I seethed. Sirius hushed me, gesturing to his sleeping daughter.

"Maybe so, but she's close. She is a danger to herself and a possible threat to those around her; so she's being transferred." the healer said back bluntly.

"But what's wrong with her?" Sirius croaked, tears beginning to make their way down his face.

The healer sighed, suddenly seeming sympathetic.

"She's suicidal. She brought this upon herself- for reasons only she knows. Meaning that we can't help her until she's sane enough to tell us why she wants to die."

I paled at her statement, thinking back to the day she told me why she didn't eat.


"Don't tell me that." I started, "Why aren't you eating?"

She hesitated in fear, not wanting to tell me her plan- for she knew I would tell the others, including Sirius. I saw her hesitation, and my face fell as my thumb lightly brushed her cheek. She looked away.

"Come on." I encouraged, picking her up like I would a child on my back; she was so light that it was scary. I walked to the Astronomy Tower, sitting Valkyrie down. She sat opposite me- and I just looked at her.

She bit her lip and averted her gaze to the floor.

"You can't tell them." She said to me, the panic clearly evident in her voice. She watched as I thought about her demand before nodding for her to continue.

She took a breath. "I'm making dad proud."

I looked at her, horrified. "What do you mean, proud?"

She let out a shaky and slightly crazy laugh. "He doesn't want a daughter. He's ashamed of me- he said it himself; you were there. And me being in Slytherin makes it worse. But I'm going to show him that I'm brave enough to be in Griffindor. And I'll die with at least one person happy because of what I did for them."

I stared at her, shocked at her revelation. I shook my head furiously.

"What about me? I'll be depressed if you die. I will. Don't do this, please- for me."

She closed her eyes as she shook her head.

"I can't stop now. I'm so close Harry. I can feel it. I'm so close." she whispered to me.

She stood up and walked towards me, gently pulling my face in to kiss her for what I suspected could be the last time. We stood there, in each other's embrace for hours; exchanging few words as I gently kissed her again and again.

End Flashback


But I promised... I can't betray her trust like that; I just can't.

But is me keeping her secret worth her insanity?




I'm sorry to say that there will be quite a few really sad chapters coming up after this...


But it will be fine eventually...





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