Merlin's Hospital for the Insane

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Sirius' POV

Cain yawned and opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings before starting to sob again.

"Why didn't it work?! Why didn't you let it work?!" she screamed at me.

I held back tears, hugging my daughter tightly as she struggled to get out of my arms. I kissed her forehead lightly and hushed her, trying to comfort her the little that I could. Things in the room began to float around us.

There was a knock at the door and the healer from before walked in, waving her wand at Cain. A pure white straight-jacket wrapped it's way around her- the floating objects immediately dropped to the floor.

"Wandless magic..." I breathed, looking at my daughter in awe. The only other person I had seen doing wandless magic was Angel...

I winced as she continued to thrash around and cry. I held her tighter and stood with her in my arms bridal style. I walked to the side of the healer, who placed a hand on my shoulder and apperated.

We landed just outside the institution and walked in. Immediately the sounds of sobbing, moaning and crashes assulted my ear drums. I winced and followed a man down to door 415.

"This will be Valkyrie's room." he said quietly, offering me an assuring smile. I returned it with a pained grimace.

"This isn't the sort of place she should be in." I breathed, more to myself than to the man. He nodded sadly before opening the door.

I walked in and sat my daughter down on the bed before backing slowly out the door. The door clicked shut. Immediately her head snapped to the door and she walked slowly to the door and looked at me through the glass with emotionless eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat and offered her a small smile. The edges of her lips turned up in a small sad smile as she lightly touched the glass.

I pulled away and began following the man down the halls. An ear-splitting scream of frustration slipped from her lips as she began to bang on the door.

I flinched as a tear ran down my face.

The man beside me spoke. "My name is Reece. I'm the warden in this area. You can visit her once a season- on the first Sunday. That means there is two months 'till your next visit. You will be contacted if there is any developments you need to know about."

I nodded.

There was a gust of wind and a small thump. I turned around and smiled half-heartily at the New Marauders.

"But you do need to tell me something, perhaps we should go to my office though. The wall have ears here." Reece said softly.


Harry's POV

We sat down opposite to Reece.

"I'd like to know what happened to her. All of it. From the person who knows her the best out of all of you." Reece said calmly.

I bit my lip.

"I'm the closest one to her here." I said quietly, looking down at my hands. I sighed and told them everything. Everything except why she starved herself.

Reece nodded. "I see. So she didn't tell you why she did it?"

I thought.

It's so she can get better... right?

It's invading her privacy and breaking your promise! How could you?!

She'll forgive me eventually...

No! She won't! You know why? Because she's sick! And you let her get sick!

She'll get better if I tell them. I would prefer she hate me forever than her to die.


"She wanted to make her family proud." I said suddenly.

Reece blinked before writing my statement down. "Continue" he urged.

"She is under the impression that everyone who knows her will be happier if she's dead. You see, her biological family were all Griffindors- she a Slytherin. She wanted to prove she was brave enough to be a Griffindor by carrying out her own death slowly and painfully. She thinks her father will be happy if she is dead." I said lowly, Sirius' presence beside me plaguing my mind.

Sirius' face lost all colour.

"I see. Harry, what was your relationship with Valkyrie?" Reece's eyes flickered from his parchment to me face to study me carefully.

I paused. "She is my girlfriend"

Reece paused again, looking down at his notes.

"Every weekend."

I blinked a few times in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"You, Harry, may visit her every weekend. It'll help her recover. Show her that she will be missed. Everyone else... once a month."

My heart lifted at the thought of seeing her every week.

"Could I... see her again before we leave?"

Reece nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.


Valkyrie's POV

"Hey Val" Harry's soft voice broke through my trance.

I turned my head to look at him as he stood near the door of my room.

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "Hey Harry, you gonna come sit down?"

Harry relaxed a bit and walked tome, sitting down beside me on my bed. I looked down playing with my fingers.

"What did they say?" I asked him.

"I'll visit every weekend. No exceptions. Everyone else can only visit once a month."

I smiled again.

"Your allowed to?"

He chuckled a bit.

"We can't have me being admitted for going crazy without you"

I blushed, leaning into his chest. "You're so corny Harry" My voice was muffled by his chest.

"But you lurv me anyways"

I giggled at him. "Yes, yes I do."

He lifted me slightly to straddle his lap, leaning his forehead on mine.

"I love you Valkyrie." he whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled back

He pulled me in for a kiss...



Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I'm sooo sorry I took so long!!!!


But I might be taking as long for the next chapter- writers block and such... it sucks!

But please, some encouragement!

10 Votes




Until the next time my lovies!


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