Chapter 2

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Max pov

Two weeks! The flock and I have been stuck in this place for two weeks and they haven't done a thing! All they do every day is bring us our food then leave day in day out. I was actually getting board.

Angle snickered in the cage next to mine. "Max I think you are the only person in the school that can say that you're board."

I sighed "I just don't get why they recaptured us if they aren't going to do anything."

Fang laughed "well if it means that much to you I guess I can beg with one of the white coats to let you have some more torture."

"Ha ha very funny Fang." I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

"I read one of the White coats minds earlier." Angle said.


"He was thinking about some new experiment that they just captured. They are calling him Omega 1." She said.

I shook my head "poor kid. It's one thing growing up in the school but to be kidnapped... poor guy..." I stopped when Iggy's head shot up.

"Some one's coming!" he whispered. We all scooted into the back of our dog crates. (Not like it did any good.)

In the door came two Erasers dragging a screaming boy in-between. They boy was thrashing and kicking the Erasers the whole time speaking in some strange language.

"Άσε με!" he yelled. "Πάρτε τα χέρια σου από πάνω μου !" He kicked one of the Erasers in the place where it hurts making it fall over with pain. He then pushed the other to the ground and then he ran down the hall. Well I hope he escapes... but a second later he was back. What?!

He grabbed the keys off the table and proceeded to unlock my cage. But before I could get out the Eraser grabbed him around the waist and slammed him to the floor. The boy yelped out in pain. He looked about seventeen he had black hair and looked at me pitifully with his sea green eye.

At that moment a white coat came in the room and saw the Eraser sitting on the boy "get off him you oaf! That's Omega 1!"

At this the Eraser quickly got off of him. The boy then lunged at it. He looked like he was about to win until he looked over at the other Eraser... who had moved over to Angle.

The white coat smiled "yes Peruses we know all about your fatal flaw. You just can't help being loyal can you." the guy looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. The white coat smiled "good boy." He then brought out a remote with a red button on it. He pushed this and the kid collapsed in pain. It was then that I noticed he had a shock collar around his neck.

The Eraser then threw him in the cage next to mine and left. "Um what just happened?" nudge finally spoke.

"He just let himself get captured for us" I whispered. "He could have run but instead he came back to help us. And that Eraser was about to hurt Angle..." I trailed off as he started to wake up.

He started muttering to himself. "Θεοί γιατί βλάπτει το κεφάλι μου ; Που βρισκομαι; Ποιος είσαι?" that last one he said looking at me.

"Um I'm sorry but I don't speak whatever that language is." I said.

He scowled at me mouthing the word Language to himself. He looked confused. "Γλώσσα?" he whispered. Then he face palmed himself laughing "Language! Hello Jackson! Sorry about that. I always shift into Greek when I'm nervous."

I jumped "wait you speak English?"

He smiled "well sure I only go into dead languages when I'm nervous."

"Why did you try to save us?" wow Fang way to skip over the niceties.

He shrugged "would you have rather I left you here to face Zeus knows how much more pain?"

"Well no.." Fang started.

The kid leaned back in his cage closing his eyes "then at least I can say I tried."

"Peruses...?" I started.

He looked like he was about to crawl out of his skin. He jumped up and his head hit the top of his cage. "What did you just say?" he said staring at me.

I put my hands up in surrender "sorry it's just that's what the white coat called you so I figured that was your name."

"oh" he relaxed a little but is eyes kept darting to the room as if something was about to jump out at him from the shadows. "Yes it is my name but I would prefer if you not call me that..." his eyes stopped on a rather large shadow "you can just call me Percy, that's what all my friends call me. And it seems like we're going to be spending some quality time with each other." He said leaning his back against his cage. "Well?"

"Well what?" I asked.

"Well... I told you my name so don't I get to know yours?" he said grinning.

"Ooo I'm Nudge, that's Fang, Angle, Iggy he's blind, Gazzy, and Max. We were all born at the school. That's where you are right now. But then four years ago we escaped. Only two weeks ago we got recaptured. We all have wings. Have they done anything to you yet? When did you get her?"

"Nudge!" we all yelled.

"Wow..." Percy's eyes were wide "I didn't know anyone could even think that fast. Wait did you say wings?" we then told him our whole story. We also all unfurled our wings and showed him. He shook his head "I am so sorry... I'm going to get you guys out of here..."

Right then the door slammed open. We all scooted back in our cages expecting the worse... well all except Percy. He just sat there glaring at the Eraser. "Well Omega 1 time for your injection!" it said with a smile.

Percy made a mock smile "ooo injections how exciting! What's it going to be?"

It smiled "well I heard a little Avian..."

"Hmm I'm not sure about that... I got this Uncle who kind of hates it when I fly so I think I'll pass on that one." He cut in.

The Eraser smiled "oh but that's only today's injection. You get something really special later."

Child of the Big Three (A Percy Jackson and Maximum Ride cross over)Where stories live. Discover now