Chapter 16

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Annabeth pov

I was so happy to see Percy that I jumped up and gave him a hug. He smiled but when I looked into his eyes I gasped his eyes were black with occasional flashes of sea green colored lightning. He took a step back at my reaction "like I said its different in my case." He said sadly.

"what do you mean?" Chiron said sitting forward in his wheel chair.

Percy tapped his finger against his side nervously. "um could we maybe talk a little more privet?"

Chiron nodded "meeting adjourned."

The only people who stayed were me, thalia, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel and Nico which Percy didn't mind. He sat down and ran his hand through his long black hair. (oh I am so giving him a hair cut when we're done)

As I watched him I started noticing things about Percy I hadn't seen at first. All over his arms he was covered in scars that had did not have two months ago. Isa down next to him and with my finger traced one of the scars. When I did this he shuttered. Percy was the bravest person I knew it worried me to see him like this.

He sighed and squeezed my hand "so I suppose you want the whole story?" we all nodded. *sigh* "alright hers a crash cores. I was kidnapped two months ago by things called Erasers. They work for a place called the school. At The school they-they do experiments-horable experiments." He said shivering.

I was mad "Percy what did they do to you?!"

He gently rolled up the front of his shirt to revel his bare chest. Everyone gasped. Percy had always been very muscular but now he looked like he would brake if a wind blew too hard. But the worst thing though was the scares. He was covered in them. Over the years he Percy has gotten a lot of scars all demigods do but this? This was to many. There was not a single patch of clean skin anywhere on his body.

He rolled down his shirt and continued his story. "the school up till now only did experiments on young mortal children. But the director I'm pretty sure is a legacy. I think of Athena." Oh that made me mad. "so that's how they found out about me. she said that she wanted to some different recombinant DNA tests on me."

"and that means?" asked Leo.

Percy sighed and stood up. Out of a slit in his t shirt two black forms shot out. wings... my seaweed brain had wings! They were black but in the sunlight glistened blue. Everyone was speechless so Percy kept talking. "but that's not the worst part." He said folding in his wings and sitting back down.

"well what I want to know is how my dad has not electrocuted you yet?" asked Jason.

He laughed "trust me he wanted to. But when I told him it wouldn't hurt that kind of discouraged him."

Thalia scowled "what do you mean it wouldn't hurt?"

He smirked "well in a way both you and Jason are my siblings."

"what?!" we all said.

He rolled his eyes and lightning flashed across them "some how the school got their hands on the blood of Zeus."

"and the injected you with it?" I said shocked.

He nodded then smiled "that also means Nico is my little brother."

"what?!" Nico said shocked "so that means..."

Percy nodded "Hades blood too."

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Nico said after spitting couple curses in ancient Greek.

"so that's how you got from one hill to another so quickly! You shadow traveled!" piper said excited.

Percy nodded. Every one turned to Chiron "Well this should be very interesting in battles to come." I grabbed onto Percy's hand. I didn't care what had happened to him. I was just happy to have him back.

The End

(A/N - well I hope you guys enjoyed it :) bye!)

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