Chapter 11

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Poseidon pov

Percy my lost son stumbled into the throne room. we were all in shock of his reappearance when he stumbled and fell. I rushed over to him he was deathly thin and pale. I took him into my arms and he slowly started to wake up. He looked up at me but I was startled by what I saw. Instead of his usual sea green eyes like mine I saw black eyes with occasional flashes of sea green lightning.

All the gods were watching me now. Apollo knelt down next to me. "let me." he said taking Percy in his arms. He spread his hand out over him. i had been so happy to have Percy back that until now I didn't realize just how bad a shape he was in. he had scars all over his body and his clothes were in ruin.

When Apollo had finished Percy woke up with a gasp. I gave him a bone crushing hug and he flinched. I tried to ignore that "Percy what happened to you?! We couldn't find you anywhere!"

He sighed and looked up at me with those sad eyes. "I think I'd better start from the beginning."

He shakily stood up leaning heavily on my shoulder. When he stood up his back faced me and that when I first saw them. The t-shirt his was wearing was way too small for him so you could see his ribs poking out from his much to slender form. But I also saw something else... "Percy what is this...?" I touch the bulge on his back and he yelped in pain. I withdrew my hand.

Ounce he had regained his composer he continued like nothing had happened. "that is one of the reasons I'm here..." with a roll of his shoulders two raven black things shot out from his back.

"wings" I gasped.

Zeus was shocked. "I'm gonna kill him..." he muttered. He stood up from his throne and pointed his lightning bolt at Percy.

"oh no you're not!" I yelled. The whole room exploded with voices people yelling at each other. Then all of a sudden a lightning bolt shot up and hit the ceiling. Only Zeus hadn't fired it.

"can all of you be quiet for just one second please?!" Percy yelled with authority.

However Zeus was stuttering "do you... did he... where did that lightning come from?!"

Percy looked up at the hared spot in the ceiling "yeah sorry about that. lightning is seriously not my thing."

My jaw dropped "that was you?!"

"that is the other reason I have come. I need your help. I can feel that a battle is coming... a battle which cannot be fought without bloodshed." He said with such authority.

Ares laughed "and how boy would you know that?" he sneered.

Percy looked over at Hades who up to this point was just acting board in the corner pretending like he wasn't here. "if any of you were to actually talk to Lord Hades he would tell you the same things I have."

We all looked over to Hades. He nodded "like he said if you would ever let me speak I would tell you the same thing. Our father is rising again. But what I want to know is how does the sea spawn know this?" he said glaring at Percy.

"the same as you." He answered with confidence "I can feel the deaths of the slain before they have entered the underworld."

Athena looked unsettled "that's impossible you could only do that if you were a..."

"child of Hades." He finished her sentence looking her in the eye "I know."

"Percy what are you saying?" I asked him.

He continued his story "I was held at a place called the school. While there they grew wings onto my back and put me three excruciating torture. But what they also did while I was there was inject me with the blood of two gods... Zeus and Hades."

His words hung in the air. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Finally Hera broke the science "so what does this mean?"

"it means Peruses Jackson is a son of all three eldest gods." Athena said with shock.

"pretty much I came here for your blessing." He said addressing Zeus and Hades.

Zeus sat up straighter in his throne "and why should I just not electrocute you right now?"

Percy shrugged "for one thing it wouldn't do anything I'm amine to lightning now and also you need my help. You have before you will again."

Surprisingly Hades let in first "you have my blessing as long as you do one thing for me."

"anything." Percy answered.

"look after Nico for me." he said softly.

Percy nodded "Sir, I'll do my best."

He nodded "that's all I can ask."

We all looked over at Zeus expectenactly "well?" Percy asked.

Finley he sighed "oh I suppose I can give you my blessing. And I won't shoot you out of the sky either just as long as you don't get on my bedside oh and kick Kronos' butt for me."

Percy nodded "thank you sir and I'll try."

Percy started to leave but then turned back to me. for a second his eyes flashed the fun loving sea green that I knew "thank you... dad." And with that he flapped open his black wings and flew out the door.

Child of the Big Three (A Percy Jackson and Maximum Ride cross over)Where stories live. Discover now