Chapter 13

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Percy pov

"Kronos!" I yelled from my hill. Ounce I left Mt. Olympus I was attacked by Erasers. They beat me up pretty bad but I was finally able to escape. Kroner's army had taken the camp now it was my turn to take it back.

He laughed "well Peruses I see you have finally decided to show up. Are you here to surrender."

I spoke with authority "Kronos Lord of time apron the orders of Lord Zeus you are to surrender or else you will face eternal damnation within the depths of Tartarus!" I yelled to him.

He laughed "well you can tell Lord Zeus that that ain't gonna happen!"

I brought out my sword "then your only other option is a duel. Victor takes Half-Blood Hill loser, eternal punishment in Tartarus."

He smiled "it's a deal."

With that I melted into a shadow and repapered right behind him. "how did you.." he started but held up his scythe to block a blow. Everyone in the valley demigod and monster alike seemed to freeze eyes trained on the two of us as we fought.

Kronos snickered "so tell me how is a puny spawn of the sea supposed to stop the Lord of time?"

This time I smirked "who said I was only a spawn of the sea?" and with that I pushed him with a lightning bolt shot from my fingertips. Then while he was still down I rose fallen warriors to hold him back.

He tried to struggle out of their grasp but he couldn't "what are you?" he gasped.

I smirked "your worst nightmare." And with a wave of my hand the warriors pulled him back down into Tartarus. The second he sank down into the ground all the monsters broke into gold sand.

Now I would love to say that the next thing I did was have a victory speech, go kiss the girl, then ride off into the sunset. Well I didn't so don't be expecting that. as a wise man ounce said "with great powers comes a great need to take a nap." So my body decided to make me pass out right then. Really?! Now?! Sometimes I really hate myself!

Child of the Big Three (A Percy Jackson and Maximum Ride cross over)Where stories live. Discover now