Chapter 15

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Percy pov

Hypothetically let's say you were a mutant bird kid who already from the day you were born hated hospitals. Then let's say you get taken to a place where they make you into said bird kid, torture you, and cut you open in the most painful ways possible. So hypothetically let's just think what that bird kid would do if they woke up in a place that smelt a whole like a hospital? They probably freak right. No, worse they'd go ballistic!

I woke up on a hospital bed in a white room with medical supplies all over the place. Yeah I panicked! I sat up as fast as I could hitting my head against some who had been looking down at me. it must have been a white coat! I jumped off the table and jumped out a window and find that... I was in the middle of camp. Realization hit me like a brick. (Loll Jason) I had escaped! I was free!

"hey!" I looked in the window to see a very angry will Solace rubbing his head. "why'd you just break my window?!"

I rubbed the back of my neck "oh sorry about that. thought you were someone else. Where Annabeth?!" I asked really excited.

"she's at the war council. But Percy I haven't gotten to look at your wounds yet!" he said as a ran to the big house.

"doesn't worry about it will take care of it later!" I called back to him.

I ran up to the big house and I saw the door was open. I decided to surprise Annabeth. I stepped into the doorway no one noticing me yet. I listened in on what they were saying.

Chiron spoke to everyone "so what exactly happened out there?"

Jason stood up "well see no one really knows."

Chiron scowled "what do you mean?"

Piper stood up "well it's just Percy showed up out of nowhere and how did he get from one side of the battle all the way to the other it was almost like..." she trailed off looking at Nico.

"... shadow travel." He finished the thought for her. He shook his head "but that's impossible only children of Hades can shadow travel."

Thalia shook her head "what about those skeletal warriors and that lightning that he shot at Kronos. Only Zeus kids can shoot lightning."

"well I don't know how he did it but I'm sure glad he did. He sure saved our butts." Clarisse cut in.

I couldn't help myself "wow Kissy was that a compliment?! I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said about me! and yes Nico and thalia usually would be correct but not in my case."

Child of the Big Three (A Percy Jackson and Maximum Ride cross over)Where stories live. Discover now