Chapter 5

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Percy pov

I really liked the flock... and I had wings now so they made me an official member.

The next day an Eraser came in and took me from my cage. I tried to fight against it but I still had that stupid shock collar on.

I was then strapped to a table in a white room just like last time. A scientist came up to me with a vile of black liquid. "Umm I really don't think I want to know what's in that."

The scientist smirked "how about the blood of Hades."

"What?!" I was then cut off by my own scream. The pain was so much worse than the first. Only this time I didn't black out instantly.

Next the white coat brought out a gold vile "and now the blood of Zeus." If it was possible I screamed even louder. I would take going back to Tartarus a thousand times over before going through this kind of pain again.

Child of the Big Three (A Percy Jackson and Maximum Ride cross over)Where stories live. Discover now