Chapter 8

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Max pov

It had been a really close call. Percy started falling fang and I just barley caught him. We were now flying clumsily towards the mouth of a cave. Somehow Percy had started a thunderstorm. Who knew. But unfortunately that made it even harder for us to carry him.

After another flash of lightning I see a small cave. I point it out to Fang and he nods.

~in the cave~

Fang and I laid Percy down in the cave and he slowly started to stir." uh what happened." He said rubbing his head.

"Dude you blew up a whole pack of Erasers. It was so cool!" Gazzy yelled at him.

He nodded his head "well if you don't mind I want to get some sleep. I have a long flight tomorrow."

"Wait what?!" we all said.

He sighed "there's a battle coming... I can feel it. The demigods need my help. I gave you my mom's address if you ever need anything I will help." And with that he rolled over and slept.

In the small part of his back where his shirt was riding up I saw horable scars. What all had the school done to him that he hadn't told us.

*A lot* angle said in my head.

*what?* I asked mentally.

*there is a lot he hasn't told us* she replied sadly.

Child of the Big Three (A Percy Jackson and Maximum Ride cross over)Where stories live. Discover now