Chapter 17-The Witch

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Hello people.. sorry for being delayed :D Well this is the new chapter and I think its kind of short but I know you'll like it. Dont forget, Vomment :D

Methel POV

I don't know what happened... I don't know why I ended up here inside the club looking like a lost puppy. Its all because of Jenny's persistent pleading, begging for me to come with her here in the club when we arrived on her nice house earlier this evening.

I'm sure if my parents or even Geoffrey finds out that I'd been here, the three of them will choke me to death! Especially that gray eyed idiot! I'm sure if he saw me wearing this tight black satin dress that Jenny gave me to wear for this club party tonight, he will not forgive me, I bet he will yell non stop and I will be locked up on his room for the whole year.

"Methel, lets go dance," said Jenny a little louder than normal because of the noise of the music.

"Jenny, I don't dance," I told her shaking my head.

"Oh come on, I know you can, lets tease that boys," points Jenny towards a group of guys on the other corner of the club who's looking at us like we're some kind of delicious cake, "they we're looking at you since we entered the club, come on Methel, give them a tease."

Oh God! I told myself, what am I gonna do? Jenny is quite already drunk herself that's why she is getting annoying as minutes passed.

"You're no fun at all," said Jenny with a bored tone then finally she left me, going to a place God knows where.

The music of the club is blaring through the speakers so hard that both of my ears are already pounding. The people inside are all like party animal, I've never seen or experience things like this, girls dancing on guys, like they don't have any dignity left for themselves. The lights are quite dim and sometimes all of the lights will just went off, maybe a full minute and when it comes back, almost everyone are kissing someone and if I say kissing someone, its like Geoffrey kissing me.

I just covered my eyes when that happens and I just hope I'm back in my house having a nice cup of coffee or something.

I was drinking a lemonade juice when suddenly the lights went out again. This time, I got this feeling that someone is watching me, staring at me or something like that. I remained still, not moving at all when suddenly I felt someone pushed itself beside me.

When the lights came back, I turned to my side to look at that someone and my eyes landed on a guy, a good looking guy but not that good compared to F4. He is dressed like T.J. but got this mysterious aura like Phillip. I took a drink to the juice and as I look away, he spoke suddenly;

 "Hi pretty girl," he said confidently like Geoffrey with no hint of alcohol on his system.

I turned back to him and replied a simple "Hello."

"So why are you alone?" he asked getting alarmingly closer to me. 

Suddenly I saw in my mind Geoffrey's gray eyes, angry and furious looking dangerously to this guy then he turns to look at me, those intent gray eyes burning holes on my soul.

Oh no, I don't want this guy to be near me! I must stay away for the sake of my freedom and to avoid the wrath of that gray eyed idiot! I told myself remembering Geoffrey.

"I'm not alone actually," I replied looking for Jenny but she is nowhere to be found, "I'm with a friend."

The guy also glanced at the dance floor in a mocking look.

"I don't see any friend there," he said smirking.

Oh no! That can't be good! I told myself as I inch away slowly from this guy. Where the hell is Jenny? 

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