Bonus Chapter

203 15 10

Fifteen years after

Nathan POV

"Come on Dad, it's not my job to guard Demi on school," he thought that they are really overprotective to his sister Demi, both his mother and father, not counting their grandparents. 

'I mean I love her too, but come on, I have this crush on a girl at school now, besides, she always tend to tell mother all that is all to tell about what happened to the both of us during our day in school, and that includes myself trying to talk to the girl,' he thought frustrated as they rode further going to the Marshal.

"Dad, I saw Nate talking to a girl," giggled his thirteen year old sister.

'Wait... what? Did she just said that?' Nathan thought, sending look of daggers on his little sister. 

"That's not true Dad!" he denied, much to the amusement of his sister.

She just rolled her eyes and leans even closer to their father, planning to spill more. 

Now this is not good!

"You know who's the girl Dad?" chuckled Demi, ignoring his now pleading face, this girl is really evil!

"Who is it?" asked their father and when he saw his face side glancing at him, he got this smirk on his face that according to their mom, is a bad sign.

"It's Blair, Dad," replied Demi without beating off the bush whatsoever.

Boom. She just dropped the bomb just like that. He always thought he can boss his sister around because he's the older one but the structure of hierarchy is definitely not the way he thought it would be.

"What?" his father was kind of shocked, and he suddenly pulled the car beside the high way, "Nathan, you know that she is your uncle Tristan's daughter right?"

"I know that Dad," he replied as fast as his mouth can speak, "but I was just asking her," he argued, now glaring at Demi who looks like his mom, well that's what everyone says so, "Demi totally got it wrong in her head."

His father on the other hand, resemble him so much that when his grandmother, Zena saw him on his school uniform back on his first year on Marshall, she teared up and kissed him tons.

"What?" she asked, not even flinching.

While his sister resembles their mother, their uncle Stefan told him that she got their father's confidence and attitude, him on the other hand, got the characteristics of their mother.

"I asked her about her best friend, Britney," he told her and for the first time, she was confused cause of his answer which apparently she did not anticipated.

"Oh thank God," he heard his father mutter under his breath.

"But Blair has a crush on you," his sister said and this time around, Nathan was the confused one, and by the looks of it, even his father too.

"She has?" he asked her.

His father suddenly pats him on head back.

"Son, you know what you really are like your mother," their father told him with a small smile, "you're too naïve on the feelings of those people around you."

"Yeah Dad," interrupted Demi like a twenty year old attorney, "he doesn't even know that almost all of the girls in school likes him," 

My God! Who is this girl? 

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