Of Harry Potter and Familiar Faces

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As soon as the alarm went off, I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and threw it across the room. I didn't want to move. My feet were killing me from the Disney trip, and I knew I had to do it all over again. Of course, I knew it would be worth it, and just the thought of buying more things to show off my Hufflepuff pride got me out of the bed. I looked over and saw Kylie still snoring, so I chucked a pillow at her. "Hey. You. With the face. Wake up. We gotta go if we wanna be back by the Ustream tonight!" That got her up. She instantly shot off of the bed, which caused her to trip in her blankets, landing on her face. I couldn't hold back my laugh, and she threw my pillow back at me in response. I stuck my tongue out at her and started digging through my bags again to find just the right outfit. 

I grabbed every single Hufflepuff item I had and threw it on. I had to admit, I looked like a nerd. But I was proud of my nerdyness. It made me who I was. Just as I was fixing the Hufflepuff tie to where I wanted it, Superman started playing from my phone. I froze. I couldn't move, couldn't go pick it up. When Kylie saw the look on my face, she grabbed my phone from the floor and glared at it. I opened my mouth to protest, but she had already answered. "You've got some nerve! You broke her heart you no good, two timing, lying piece of ass! I think you'd better just forget this number." She rapidly poked at the end call button and tossed the phone on my bed.

Of course, she saw the look of horror on my face and moved to me, wrapping me in a hug. "Hey, girl. It's alright. I know his ringtone, now. If he tries to call again, I'll handle it." I could only nod. Kylie was the only person who knew the whole story about Aaron leaving me, and I knew she had no problem speaking her mind. With a sigh, I grabbed the phone, putting it on silent. I shoved it into my pants pocket and grabbed Kylie to drag her out the door.

We were surprised to see even more press than before. What the balls could be happening at our hotel that was so important people needed to be there at six in the morning? I shrugged to myself as we got into the rental, and drove off to Universal Studios. I almost couldn't contain my happiness.

As soon as we got there, we ran up and handed the teller our tickets, who handed us a map in return. It only took us a few seconds to find out how to get to the Harry Potter section. We practically ran the whole way. Of course, I was stopped a few times by some fans I had met the previous day, and even a few new ones. I was actually surprised at how many people followed my channel. Kylie always seemed a little annoyed when we had to stop, but I would always pull her into the pictures at the last second, and all would be right with the world again.

When we finally got there, I sucked up my fear and went on every single ride there was, including the double dragon. Naturally, I was shaking and felt near death when I got off of the ride, and so dizzy that I almost fell over. Someone caught me, though, and I grinned when I saw it was an oddly familiar looking blonde girl. "Woah there. You okay, killer? Maybe you should avoid that one." I laughed in response, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah. Thanks. Sorry about that." She simply smiled and nodded before she walked away. That's when I looked to Kylie. "Did she looked at all familiar to you?" Kylie only shrugged, since her face was full of Butterbeer flavored cotton candy. She had opted out of the last roller coaster. I rolled my eyes and pulled her back into the Three Broomsticks, so I could get my own goodies. I felt like a fat kid after Thanksgiving when we headed towards the stores. I got a brand new wand, a couple bracelets, a scarf, and even a pair of Hufflepuff converse. My life was made. Well, I thought it was. And then we walked into Honeydukes. I could have died right then and there. I ignored Kylie's laughs as I started pulling everything off of the shelves.

I spent almost $100 on just candy. And I couldn't have been happier. That's when I checked the time. "Kyls, we gotta go!" Kylie looked at her phone, eyes wide, and nodded. We booked our way back to the car and drove as fast as the speed limit allowed to get back to the hotel room. This time, there were a few fangirls outside, and I couldn't help but tweet about it. "Fangirls and Papparazzi outside my hotel. What the balls is going on?! #thisisstartingtogetweird" Naturally, Kylie retweeted me, and life went on normally. We sat on the beds, still in our Harry Potter gear, and pigged out on candy until it was finally time for the IM5 Ustream. 

As I did every time, I ignored the chat and focused on the boys. Of course, I could hardly focus with Kylie screaming at Dana in my ear. I smacked her on the back of the head with a laugh. "Girl! He can't hear you!" I laughed harder until I stopped, noticing a comment that said 'Who's screaming?!' from one of the fans. I shook it off and glued my eyes back to the boys. I know it's strange for someone my age to love these boys. But I do. Anyways, they're legal...

ANYWAYS! When the Ustream finished up, Kylie was nearly in tears. She had spammed my chat saying "DANA IT'S KYLIE HI I LOVE YOU!", and she had FINALLY gotten him to say 'I LOVE YOU TOO KYLIE!'. Her life had been made. 

I couldn't help but get a little bit down at the thought of how great things were for her, and how my life was still slowly going down the drain, as I fell asleep with Everything About U blasting on my laptop.


And there you have another chapter, my Penguin Army! I'm glad you've stuck with me this far! What have you thought about my little surprises!? Well! The biggest one is yet to come in the next chapter, so keep reading!

<3 Charlie <3

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