Of Holding Fast and Moving Quickly

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The rest of March and most of April went by like a blurr. I hardly saw Cole anymore. He was gone before I woke up, and wasn't home by the time I went to sleep. Only on the weekends I saw him, and that was only for a few hours before he had more band stuff to do. Usually he had shows. They were getting ready for their big tour, and I was left with hardly anything to do. I had some time off from the shop, and from music, so I really didn't know what to do with myself. I ended up turning my garage into a mini studio, so the band and I could get in some practice time, and just mess around. We ended up starting a YouTube channel, and we put up silly videos and some covers. 

Most of the time, when I was alone, I worried for the future. I had a gut feeling about my birthday. He would leave me, and I would never see him again. I always tried to push it away, but the feeling always came back, the doubts eating me from the inside out. I started feeling the itch again, the itch that had ruined us in the first place, but I always ignored it. I wasn't going back to that. I was strong, and my career was really kicking off. My EP was selling like mad, and there was already talk about Derrick and Eben wanted to get an album out.

Of course, I would need more songs for that, which is why my band was over almost every day. We played around with lyrics, tunes, anything we could think of.

We were all just having a grand old time, until I got the phone call from Eben, three days before my birthday. "Charlie. I have some good news. Plus one is going on an American tour!" I was headlining my own tour, an actual tour, with a girl named Rylie Brown opening for us. I was elated, but I was also sad. 

This was a big step in my career, and I would be doing it without Cole at my side.

Now there's just tomorrow...And my heart will fly away on a plane bound for London.


I'm so terribly sorry for the short filler! Now, everyone. The next chapter, is indeed, the end of Be My Hero. but fear not! Because I've already started hand writing the sequel. You shall have it soon! I'm going to try to catch up with my other fics just a little bit, so give them a read when you have the time!

<3 Charlie <3

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