Of Blood Lines and Break Ups

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Today was one of the most important days of my life. My first real show. Instead of getting dolled up, like I usually would have, I decided to dress casually. Plus, if I had worn the dress I'd been planning on, the audience would have gotten a nice show. Kayla helped me get ready, since I was a nervous wreck, even with Cole constantly by my side, assuring me that everything would be alright. Kayla straightened my hair, Dalton came over and did my eyeliner for me, and Cole put on my shoes. I couldn't move. Couldn't think. Couldn't talk. This was really happening. I was opening for IM5. I was performing live on a stage in front of hundreds of people. Not to mention, it was almost mine and Cole's one month anniversary. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but I smiled softly.

When we were all finished, we piled into the van and drove off to the mall. We had a little time to spare before we started sound check, so we decided to explore. Of course, since it was Syracuse, I knew exactly where I was going. I had been in this mall so many times before, I knew it inside and out. And of course, when we walked into Hot Topic, I wasn't surprised to see a head full of rainbow dreads behind the counter. It never failed. He was always working when I showed up. The boys began running about, Cole going straight for the Adventure Time stuff. Kayla went to the back to look at Jewelry, and I didn't really keep track of anyone else as I hopped up onto the counter. "BOO!" I shouted over the music playing in the store, causing the man to jump. Of course, as soon as he saw me he pulled me into a hug, grinning. "Well hello to you, too, Steve!" I couldn't help but laugh.

I'd known Steve for almost 10 years. He was a member of the same private camp I was, so we had met there. I had worked with him, we had even tried dating once, though that didn't work out too well. Of course, we were still friends, and I figured we always would be. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved!" 

I grinned, nodding. "I did. To L.A. But you see those crazy boys running around?" He nodded. "I'm with them. They're that IM5 band that's playing today. And guess what." He raised his eyebrow at me. "I'm opening for them." His eyes went wide, and I was pulled into another hug. Steven and I had tried the whole band thing when we were younger, but since I lived two hours away during the school year, it didn't work.

"I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you!" I heard someone clear their throat behind me, and I grinned, knowing the sound all too well. I hopped off of the counter and hopped onto Cole's back. 

"Steven, this is my boyfriend, Cole Pendery. Coley, this is one of my bestest friends, Steven." I grinned as the two shook hands, and Cole paid for his items. Of course, I saw him sneak something else onto the counter as well, and my eyes went wide. I slid off of his back and stared at him as he grabbed the bag. "Cole Alan Pendery, you didn't!" He simply grinned and pulled the massive Vinyl Scratch My Little Pony hoodie out of the bag. I let out a little scream and hugged him, planting a kiss to his lips. I had wanted this hoodie for years, but could never afford it. "Seriously, you're the best." I gave him a grin as I hugged him again before shrugging the hoodie on.

Sadly, we had to leave for sound check, but Steve said he would tell Lori to take over so he could come see the show. I was glad. It was nice having friends in places, especially friends you hadn't seen in ages. As we walked, Kayla came up next to me, a Hot Topic bag in hand. She looped her arm through mine and leaned close. "Does he know, yet?" I shook my head. No. Cole still hadn't seen the hate. He hadn't been on his laptop lately, and his phone was out of minutes. He'd been using Dalton's, but obviously hadn't checked anything, yet.

Sound check took about half an hour, since Gabe had broken one of the speakers and they had to replace it. Kayla and I warned him not to stand on it, but those boys never listened to us. All the while we were waiting, I was sitting in Cole's lap on the stage, and we were all sitting in a circle, just talking. Fans had started to gather, but we were going to ignore them for just a little while longer. This was us time. And then, the worst possible thing happened. "Get off of my future husband you stupid slut!" I froze. I hoped to every God that would listen, that Cole hadn't heard. As soon as the words hit my ears, the itch on my wrist came back. Since the first day of relapse, my arms had both gained more thin scars. I'd started going deeper, needing to feel more. I had even gone so far as to take a razor blade to my leg, but no one would ever see that, since I hardly wore shorts or dresses without leggings. I hid everything well, though. I always stacked my bracelets, so no one thought anything of it when I started to add a few more. 

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