Of Long Days and Done Deals

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The next morning when my alarm went off I hopped out of bed, a little more than excited. I ran to the bathroom and hopped in the shower while Cole woke everyone up. When I was out and dressed, I dug around for a second before I found the box of invisable patches. It was time for a change, and I couldn't risk anything with my career just taking off. I stuck the patch on my shoulder and covered it with my sleeve before I made my way to the kitchen. Clover showered next, while I sipped on the coffee Cole had made me. Clover was still in the shower when Kylie finished getting ready for school. I gave her and Dana tight hugs, and gave Cole a quick kiss before the three of them headed out the door.

I glanced at the clock with a sigh before I finished up my coffee. "Hurry up! We have to be there in fifteen!" I called out to my sister. I heard her fumbling, before she hopped into the main room, trying to put her second shoe on. Once that task was done she slipped her glasses on and stuffed her wallet into her pocket. Once I got my own shoes on, I grabbed my keys from the hook and we went out the door. 

When we got to the bakery, I went straight to the back to grab my hat and apron. I came back to the front, and Clover passed me on her way to the uniforms. She looked more than happy. "That's one fine sister you've got there." Ava told me as I started to fill up the display cases. "I think she'll work out just fine." I gave a bright grin as I lifted trays overhead and passed them to the other girls. I passed my last tray to Molly, who had started just a week before I had. She was still trying to get the hang of everything.

While everyone else was finished preparing for the day, I pulled Ava aside. "Maybe you should use Molly as a street runner? The other girls are getting frustrated with her, and she's just not getting into the swing of things." I know I was just the new girl, but I was just trying to avoid fights and complains. Plus, I already had a bit of pull with Ava. Ava considered for a moment before she nodded, calling Molly over. I made myself scarce, pulling on a pair of gloves. When Molly passed me to grab her tray of samples, she looked happy and relieved. She paused by my side for a moment to give me a smile of gratitude before she continued her work. I couldn't help but smile to myself before Ava opened the doors. It was time to get to work.

Today, I did take a break, but I kept myself busy. I threw on my chef coat- which now had my name on it -pulled up a stool, and started decorating some cupcakes. By the time my fifteen minute break was over I had nearly three trays frosted. I brought one with me when I went back to my post. I restocked the display case, and Ava gave me a knowing look, but I just grinned in return before I got back to work.

An hour before my shift ended, I was surprised to see Kylie walk in. I came out from behind the counter to give her a hug and kiss to the top of her head. "Hey there, sweetie. Go ahead and grab something if you're hungry, my treat. There's a table over there you can sit at, get your homework done, I love you." My words were hurried, and I gave her another hug before I went back to work. Kylie ended up getting a brownie before she went to do her homework. Ava came up to me a few minutes later, curiosity written all over her face.

"Who's the kid? She's adorable." I couldn't help but laugh as I finished ringing up a costomer.

"That's Kylie, my foster daughter." Ava raised her eyebrow, and I grinned. "We'd been friends for a very long time, she was already like a daughter to me. When I moved out here, her family thought it would benefit her to come with me. I signed the guardianship papers a couple of days ago." Ava beamed with pride, and I still had my smile.

"You're so young, but you've accomplished so much. A budding music career, a new house soon, a caring boyfriend, great friends, decent job, and child who loves you unconditionally even if you aren't her birth mother. And you do it all with a smile. I'm so proud of you. I wish people could be more like you." I couldn't help but hug the woman. She was turning into yet another mother for me, and I was happy to add her to my family. "Your shift is almost over. Why don't you clock out early so you can spend some time with your girl?"

I laughed at that. "Not a chance, Ava. Kylie needs to get her homework done, or she'll never finish it before she goes to sleep." We both chuckled. "Plus, I can't afford to skip out. I'll need every penny if I'm going to be able to keep up with my payments and such." Ava gave me a sympathetic look, then, but I brushed it off.

"Get back to work then, Charlie, and make me proud." I beamed as she walked away, and I instantly got to work.

Cole showed up just before my shift ended, and he kept Kylie company and helped her with her homework while Clover and I finished up and clocked out. We stayed for a while longer, all of us getting bagles for lunch. When we finished eating, we said our goodbyes to Ava and went off to see the house.

When we pulled up to the house, Clover and Kylie were apprehensive, but I understood. The house looked its age. We had already set money aside for paint, though, and the boys had all agreed to help paint. We greeted the realtor when we got out of the car, and as soon as we stepped in, the apprehension was gone, and the girls were sold. 

Clover and Kylie went out to the car while Cole and I finalized the deal. We paid for what we needed and got the keys. Tomorrow, Cole, Clover and I would go sign the lease and then we could start the painting and packing. We got back in the car and drove back to the bakery, prepared for the long night.

We had ten minutes before the seven shift started, so we took the few minutes to drop Kylie off at work. I reminded her to walk to the bakery when she was done, since Dana was actually staying at his own house tonight. When we got into the shop, we yanked on our uniforms and got to work. I watched Ava pull Cole aside, and I couldn't help but smile when she said she was putting him on the payroll. He had already helped her business boom in the few short days he'd been helping, just as I had. I beamed with pride as I pulled on my gloves and started to measure out ingredients for a special order cake.

Half an hour later, the cakes were in the oven, so I started on some cookies, since they were the late night best sellers. By the times those were out of the oven and onto the cooling rack, the cakes were done. The rest of the group assigned to the cake came over, and we got to work. I started making flowers out of frosting, and vines out of molding chocolate. Between all of us, the cake took four hours to decorate. We moved it to the storage fridge, and got back to the mundane work.

Kylie came in ten minutes before eleven, and she offered to help Ava clean up the storefront for closing. When all of us were finished, we clocked out and finally made our way back to the apartment.

When we got back, Kylie went straight to bed, but Clover, Cole and I stayed up a little bit longer to celebrate. "I let Ava know that we would be late, Clover, since we have to go and sign stuff. We work a regular shift, but I have to go to the studio for a couple hours afterwards for rehearsal. You guys can meet me there whenever or do what you please, and then we can get painting and packing and stuff when I get done." They both agreed. Cole already had most of his day filled with rehearsing, so he would already be there, and he could give me a ride if need be. We all hoped things would get a little less hectic once we got the new house settled, but we doubted it. At least we weren't going through it alone.


TADA! Here you go, kids! Another chapter! This chapter is dedicated to my good friend, Molly, who will be showing up in more chapters later on! I hope you guys liked this one, and I'm sorry if it's been really bland. I'm still trying to think of some way to spice things up. I may do a time skip in the next couple chapters, so be prepared!

<3 Charlie <3

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