Of Serious Talks and Pillow Fights

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When Sophie and I got back into the apartment, we ignored the boys, kicked them out of my room, locked the door, and changed into our pajamas. We blasted Paramore so they couldn't hear us talking, but I was trying to figure out what I was going to do about Cole. I didn't know if I could accept him having a thing for me. He was 17. I'm 22. Age differences that big are frowned upon in most places. After our little talk, we could hear the boys banging on the door, but we just laughed and ignored them. We had blown up the air mattress for Sophie and Dalton, and I had thrown more pillows on my bed just in case.

Finally, we turned the music down and opened the door for the boys, still laughing our heads off. They just stared at us for a moment before Sophie and I sneakily pulled pillows out from behind our backs, attacking the two of them with them. I was laughing like a maniac, and two hours later, we were all flopped on my floor, out of breath and still laughing. 

Cole and I had ended up near my desk. I was holding onto his arm, trying to stop myself from laughing. Sophie was on Dalton's back, bouncing on him while he whined. Finally, when we mostly calmed down, I went to stand up, only to have Cole grab my arm. "Wait. Stay for a little bit." I blushed deeply and shook my head, standing up. I walked to my TV, setting up Netflix. I was going to appease the Almighty Dalton. I put on Doctor Who.

He screamed like a fangirl and dove onto the air mattress, Sophie still on his back. I shook my head at them as I jumped onto my own bed, grabbing a pillow and clutching it to my chest. This was the episode I had been avoiding forever. I had always been afraid of the Weeping Angels, even before I started watching the show. Cole didn't seem to know where to go, so he looked at me questioningly. I patted the spot next to me and he came and laid down, sprawling out.

Halfway through the episode, my face was behind the pillow and I was shaking. I really did get scared so easily. I calmed down, though, when Cole's arms went around me. I smiled softly and leaned against him for comfort. There were still the occasional times when I jumped at a scary part, but he brought me comfort and calm. 

By the time the episode was over, Dalton and Sophie were flung over each other, snoring. I could tell Cole was still awake my the way he held me. "Walk with me." I whispered to him softly before I pulled away from him, sliding my slippers on and tip toeing out of the room. I could hear Cole behind me. I grabbed a jacket off of the hook and threw it on as I left the apartment, pulling out a smoke as soon as the cold air hit me.

Cole walked shoulder to shoulder with me. There was a playground just around this corner, it had become my nightly place to think and just miss everyone. I was going to share this place with Cole. I sighed, staying silent, as I smoked and walked. I put out my smoke before we got there, and I rushed straight to the swings, sitting on my favorite one. I had written 'I miss you' in silver sharpie on the bottom of the swing. I would show that to him now. I stood up a second after I sat down. "I have to show you something." I whispered as I knelt down, flipping the swing over.

He smiled at the words written on the swing as he pulled me to my feet, pulling me into a hug. "There's so much I want to say to you..." He whispered into my hair. I hugged him tightly, still not knowing what to feel about all of this. I mean..I knew I felt something for him. He made my heart race. He made me smile. But he was in a famous boy band. I would never see him. He was 17. There was so much wrong with this. I only nodded to him as I pulled away a bit. "I don't know how to say it all, though.." He added, and I nodded again.

"I know how that goes...Just let me say something first. You're 17. You're still young. You have your whole life ahead of you. You have a career, and I'm just...I'm just me." Cole's face fell, but he pulled a smile on as he lifted my chin so I was looking at him.

"That's exactly why I like you. You're you. I don't care how old we are. You make me happy. I've never missed anyone as much as I missed you last week. I feel like I'm dying if I'm not talking to you." I knew I was blushing, and I didn't know how to respond, so I took a chance. I hestiated for only a moment before I pressed my lips to his. 

He froze for a second, and so did I, but soon I was melting against him. He held me tightly, one arm around my waist, his other hand at the back of my head, holding me to him. A few seconds felt like hours, but we finally pulled away from each other. My blush was crimson, and I smiled up at him sheepishly. This was supposed to be a happy moment, but I couldn't help but feel sad. "You're leaving me again in a day or two..." I whispered to him, lowering my head agian.

He shook his head and pulled me to him again, kissing the top of my head. "Don't be sad. I'm not really leaving. I'll be ten minutes away. I'll come visit you whenever I can. I'm dragging you to every event that we do. I'm not going without you for that long ever again." His words brought me to tears again. I didn't know what I had done to make him care so much, but I knew that he did. 

"Good." I replied before he lifted my face and kissed me again. I could practically feel the fireworks. I had always hear about kisses like this, but in all of my years I had never had one. Cole was different than everyone else. He was special. And, I only assumed this but, he was mine.

When we pulled away this time, he took my hand in his and we walked back to the apartment in comfortable silence. We snuck back into the room, trying not to wake Dalton and Sophie, and crawled into the bed. I turned my back to him and his arms wrapped around me. I smiled to myself as he kissed my head, and I finally had a good nights sleep.


Hey there, Penguins! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you like my work, you should check out my sister! Her fic is absolutely amazing! So take a gander! Little_TARDIS_Clover. Anyways, this was sweet, huh? I'm going to leave you with this question. What happens when Charlie meets Cole's mom? -eyebrow wiggles-. Anyways. Enjoy the read!

<3 Charlie <3

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