Of Floured Cheeks and Covered Songs

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The next morning was the same as the last. The only difference was that I got to the shower before Cole. When I was all dressed and ready to go, I found Cole, Dalton, and Sophie in the kitchen. Cole had written Dana, Gabe, and Will a note telling them to stay put, and that we would work more on the song when we got back. I wrote up a quick note for Kylie to have a good day at work, and the four of us set off.

Ava was more than happy to have the Rapattoni's. She'd set up stoold and mic stands for them in the corner of the room, and they went to set everything while Cole and I went into the back. Cole grabbed his apron and hat from yesterday, while I grabbed a chef's coat. I was introduced to some of the bakers, and got my day started.

By the time lunch rolled around, Cole was on his third tray, Dalton and Sophie had played three sets and had helped Cole with his samples, and I was covered in flour. While we ate some homemade mac and cheese, we chatted about our days so far. I was having a blast in the kitchen. I had mostly been making cookies, and decorating cupcakes, but I could love with that. I had even helped decorate a wedding cake. After we all cleared up our plates, we sent in the next group and went back to work.

Time sure flew at CityWalk Sweets, because it was four before I knew it. We all piled back into my tiny car and headed back home. Kylie was still at work, and the boys were on the couch playing video games. Cole and Dalton joined them, so Soph and I worked on dinner. We ended up making homemade soup and breadsticks, and Kylie brought home what we needed to make salad. We pulled the boys away from their game to eat, and after the girls and I cleaned up, it was back to work with the song.

Once again, we finished up around 1AM, deciding that we would record tomorrow after Kylie was home from work.

The next day, all of the boys- and Sophie- went to work with me. Ava had me at the front again, and she had sent all six of them out with sample trays. Today was even more crazy than my first. People were flooding in so fast, that I skipped out on lunch to make sure everything ran smoothly. Ava tried to force me to take a few breaks, but I turned them down each time. I was the newbie in the shop, and I needed to prove that I wasn't just a lazy up and coming rock star.

Of course, I felt it when my shift ended. So much that Cole had to drive back. Sophie let me rest while she started Dinner, and Kylie helped when she got home. They woke me up from my nap on the couch, and we crowded around the island for dinner. While we ate and talked, I couldn't help but smile. These people had become my family, and I couldn't love them more.

For once, the boys cleaned up the kitchen while us girls fixed up my room. We set a camera up against the wall facing my bed. We had another camera on my desk for side angles. Cole had been working on the track while I slept, but now it was time to really get to work. Sophie, Kylie and I all wore IM5 shirts, while the boys wore my PlusOne shirts. 

To everyone's surprise, we got everything done in just a few takes. I stayed up a little longer than usual to help Cole with the editing. I didn't have to work at the shop in the morning, and I didn't have to be in the studio until 10. While Cole blended the tracks, I started piecing the video together. There were plenty of shots from my room, but we also had footage from everyone on CityWalk with the sample trays, just having a crazy time.

Dalton, Cole, and I passed out shortly after, leaving the rest of the editing up to everyone else. I was surprised that I was actually able to get to sleep. Tomorrow would be exciting, and the true start to my career.


Enjoy this little filler chapter! I know my writing hasn't been the very best, but my brain's been a little enh. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter! Remember to leave your comments and suggestions, and vote for the story!

<3 Charlie <3

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