•Chapter 54•

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After what felt like days we finally land. I look out the window biting my finger in anticipation. I want to see what the picture is but because it's Sonika it could be anything.

I know I might be over reacting but after her trying to break Dalton and I up, the treats, and the attempts to intimidate me I just get nervous when I'm around her.

"Jai you okay," Dalton asks as we all get into LAX.

"What? yeah," I say in hesitation.

"Okay," he says obviously not believing me.

We get into the cars and drive to my apartment. Dalton grabs all the bags, putting his parent's bags in one of the extra bedrooms. I give them both a little tour before going into my room to change. I keep looking at my phone haunting me with what Sonika might have tagged me in.

I open the notification and wait for the picture to load. The picture shows Dalton, Trent, and Sonika playing air hockey. The picture looked as if it was taken by Dalton. I stare at the pictures blankly.

"Hey babe," Dalton says walking into the bedroom.

"Hey," I say shutting my phone off and putting it on my bed, "did your parents like the room?"

"Yeah but they went out for brunch together," he says falling onto the bed.

"That's fun," I say clearing my throat, "you know I was thinking about Sonika lately," I start to say before Dalton cuts me off.

"Did she try and get to you again?"

"No. Why? Have you talked to her or something," I harmlessly ask.

"No," he hesitates.

I felt a mix of rage and sadness once he finally said his answer. Not only did he talk to her but he hung out with her and then lied to me about it.

"I'm gonna go visit Joey," I say walking over grabbing my bag.

"Okay. Maybe I'll text Trent and Mackenzie and invite them over," he says grabbing his phone.

"You do that," I say closing the door and just leaving.

When I get to my car I drive straight to Joey's apartment that isn't too far from the Hollywood sign. I park my and go up the elevator to Joey's floor. I knock on his door right when I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.

Dalton ❤️: I love you :)

"Hey," he smiles, "what are you doin here?"

"I just wanted to see my big brother is that a crime," I tease giving him a hug.

"Well come in."

I sit on the couch and drop my purse on the floor. Joey brings over a glass of wine and puts it in front of me.

"Oh I don't drink," I smile politely pushing the wine toward him.

"Oh that's right you're still 19," he teases.

"Only until April 10th and even then it's not legal for me to drink," I say grabbing a glass of water.

"Yeah but who ever listened to the law," he jokes.

"Well people who aren't in jail," I tease taking a sip of my water.

"Changing subjects," he say wiping his mouth, "how are you? It feels like this is the first time I have seen you without Dalton since you two have been together."

"The show kept me busy," I laugh defending myself, "I'm alright. Nervous I guess."

"Is that Sonika bitch still bugging you," he groans.

"No it's just... She tagged me in a picture on Instagram and it was a picture that Trent, Sonika, and Dalton were all in."

"Why was Dalton hanging out with her," he asks taking another sip of his drink.

"I don't know. I trust him though."

"Me too. It's her I don't trust," he says practically taking the words out of my mouth.

"He's faithful."

"She's not," Joey says behind his drink, "all I'm trying to say is keep an eye on her and Dalton."

As much as I hate to admit it I did need to check on him. I do trust Dalton I really do but Sonika has tried to make a move on him too many times. I pull out my phone and call his number. No answer.

"What did he say," Joey says not taking his eyes off his phone in his hand.

"He didn't answer," I say causally sitting down.

"Hey Jai..."


"What color is your kitchen again?"

"You know what color it is. It's grey with white counter tops."

"It's just this picture of Sonika on her snapchat looks a shit ton like your kitchen," he says showing me the picture.

He was right. I stare at the picture until it disappears from the screen. That was my kitchen. She is in my kitchen.

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