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Growing up I wanted powers 
and I still do, but for reasons that others
may assume satanic and cruel

To read the minds of those who dislike 
my hair, my laugh, and even my kind 
My kind that knew the world wasn't quite right
and that people everywhere will judge you for life

I wanted to be invisible 
So I could traumatize the villains
that make me feel hidden  

Pull down there pants and everybody would glance,
I tell myself it'd make me feel better 
If I saw them down on my end

Super speed to outrun time 
show up before the bell has rong
but time waits for absolutely no one

Deep inside I wanted justice
Because superhero's don't go out to get you,
hurt you until you are red
unless you are evil and evil is not unsaid
And although the words do seem uneven
the terror they put you through in your dreams 
justice is letting it go 
justice is not being mean
justice is the half of extreme

So I am a superhero
and my power is me

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