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Could you notice me because I have what it takes?
But you wouldn't notice me because I'm in the back of the take.

I'm in the room full of people who assume,
How do I become more confident that I will be pursued?
When will you see me for the person I really am -
who thinks like no other and dreams of wonderlands.

But feels just like everybody else.

I'm not saying we aren't immune to our feelings, we feel, oh we will, but when we aren't bright we're blue and when we're blue we begin to see why the world never noticed you.

Why my idol never saw what I could be
because I was upon thousands and thousands of others who compete

I don't really try to put myself out there
Because I watch as others get ignored 
Turned and torn

Like I said, they aren't like me. I'm different.
I'll only do it from time to time, hoping they'll see my shine.
But when they don't
I feel really blue
And I just don't know what to do.
Try again, maybe? 

Same with people we love
What if they forget us too?

It's happened, and what we decide to do,
shows if we are the sinking Titanic - Or the one
that rises in the face of
the ice tomb.

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