Her Color Is Blue

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I don't need you to tell me I'll be fine, I don't need you to stand next to me all the time. I don't need you to point out all the stop signs and red lights. I don't need you to tell me you love me back, I don't need you tell me why I'm never on track. I don't need you to pour my heart out too because chances are you'll never hear me through. I don't need you to wish me a happy birthday or even a good birthday, I don't need your shoulder when mine is weighed down because you're the type of person that brings me further down. I don't need you to understand me and why I do the things I do, I don't need you if you are going to make me blue.

I don't need you to be happy, I can do that on my own.
I don't need you at all, I will do it all alone.

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