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Sometimes people write what they can't say
Go on and write your feelings away

When there is no more happy place
But only people who judge your blurryface

I won't feel down for much longer
I'm safe

When I'm not looking at your face of distaste
I'm okay because I'm not being played
Or starred at by the personalities these days

Personalites can stare right through your face
And wonder why you act this way
Pretend they, or not even they, the cause
Or just don't care what's really going on

But that's okay
Your face isn't blurry
You just don't know who you are surely
While you look at people from miles away and only want to see the good in their pretty face

But people aren't pretty and perfect
I'm sure they'll think it's not earnest
When I say your looks aren't going to cut it
When the world see's how you've touched it

With what you've done here by being you
Sorry but my face isn't blurry
It's you.

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