So... I was thinking

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Hey, it's me again, how are you?
I stared at the screen of my phone as a text from Jack Johnson cam through, I had only met him a week ago but we had already grown close. We met at a gig at the O2. My friend had a spare ticket to a Jack and Jack concert, I didn't really like them much but she was my best friend and so agreed to go. I decided to pop to the loos before the concert started but I got REALLY lost on my way, and then I saw him, blonde hair shining under the light, as I approached, thinking he was a sight manager or a show director or something, I asked, 'Do you know where the loos are?' He looked at me and looked both stunned and surprised, but then he answered, 'You're currently back-stage at the moment, but I'll let you in for a bit. The loos are down that way,' 'Thanks' I replied as I began walking down the corridor he had pointed to, 'Hang on, wait!' I turned around to see him standing there writing something on a piece of paper leant against a wall. And then he handed it to me. I looked down to see what looked to be a phone number and I looked up with a quizzical look on my face. 'Incase you get lost again' and smiled at me as he turned around and walked away, I smiled at his back before continuing down the corridor to the loos. I still remembered that day as if it were yesterday, instead it had been a week and our texts were constant, he made me laugh and smile at his little quirks. I smiled at that though as I moved my fingers to type the reply, I'm good thx, how are you?
I pressed send and witching seconds got my reply, Good thx, but before I could reply the text soon was followed by another, So... I was thinking, do you wanna do something next Saturday? I stared at the screen shocked mixed in with happiness, was he asking me on a date? And my answer soon came when he followed up with As a kind if date thing OMFG, he was asking me on a date, and before I knew it I had already typed Yeah, sure, and sent it off!

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