Shocking news! For all!

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My amazing night made me wake up with aches and pains EVERYWHERE! And I mean EVERYWHERE! Even my insides hurt and I had a massive headache! I looked beside me to see Jack gone. I got up and went to the bathroom and I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Dear God! I looked a mess! And so I spent the next 10 minutes have a nice reenergising shower before getting out and getting dressed in black leggings and a plain green top with green lacy sleeves. When I opened my door I found a surprise! A trail of red and pink rose petals leading all the way down the corridor. So u curiously followed them. Down the corridor, down the stairs, through the other corridor, threw the living room, through the patio doors and then out into the garden where I saw, there, waiting for me, a bunch of photos and so I looked through them, it was photos of our first date, trips we went on together, days we spent with each other and then I can to one which said will and then the next one said you and the one after that said marry and then the very last one said me?
Will you marry me? I turned behind me to see Jack Johnson kneeling before me holding out a box with a gorgeous silver diamond ring. Meh said, 'Elizabeth Sara Red, will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?' 'YES!' I screamed at the top of my voice. But right before I could give him a hug I threw up in the bush next to us, three times! Cringe! 'It was probably the drinks from yesterday!' I reassured JJ as he looked worriedly at me, but it wasn't the only time, over the next few days I had been throwing up and that's when Livi said it, 'I had that when I was first pregnant! Maybe you should take a test!' And so I did, and the readings weren't what I expected!

I was pregnant!

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