I hate pregnancies

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'Im pregnant'. Those words rang in my head over and over again. Livi had just told me that she was pregnant and I was not reacting well. Especially seeing as I only thought that she was going to say that she was dating someone. Not that they were going to live together and were starting a family. Not now. That's when I heard my phone ring, it was Tash, I answered, in need of a distraction.
Hey Tash
Hey Lizi
How are you?
I'm good. So, why did u call?
Well, I just found out this morning that... I AM PREGNANT!
I just couldn't deal with this at the moment and I hung up on her. I threw my phone in the floor and put my head in my hands. 'Who was that?' Livi asked trying to start conversation. 'It was Tash,' I replied, 'what did she want?' Livi asked, getting on my nerves, 'Nothing! Okay?! Just leave me alone! WHY IS EVERYTHING CHANGING?!' And I stormed out of the room, up the stairs an into my room and to   finish it all of I slammed the door shut behind me. I just couldn't take this right now. I collapsed on the bed. Moments later I hear a knock on my door. JJ walks in and sits on the bed next to me as I sit up. 'You know, this isn't easy for me either,' he said, then continued to say, 'but I'm sure that this isn't easy for anyone, especially not your sister, she's the one that's pregnant, remember that.' He was right I guess. 'She could really use you right now,' he finished saying as he got up and walked out. I breathed in and out and after a minute I got up and walked downstairs. My sister was sitting at the kitchen table talking with Jack J and Jack G. 'Livi, I'm so sorry,' I said as I sat down in the chair next to her. 'Its okay,' she smiled sympathetically as she put a hand on my arm. 'So, what are you going to call it?' I asked. 'Well, we decided on, 'Harry Max Gilinsky if it's a boy and Emma Georgia Gilinsky if it's a girl,' I smiled, maybe this wouldn't be all too bad. 'And you would be the godmother! If you want that is,' Livi asked smiling brightly. 'Id love to,' I replied.

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