Wedding Planning

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Over the past couple of days Jack J and Jack G had managed to come to terms with our pregnancies, I had told JJ who accepted it well, but Jack took a little longer. We were now siting round the kitchen table talking about mine and JJ's wedding because he had to leave tomorrow and we just wanted to get the basics done. We soon decided to have it in the summer.  On the 23rd of July, one month away. Livi was going to be my bridesmaid along with Maddy, Skye and Tash. I was going to have Etta and Molly but we were worried about the babies and the bumps. Molly was now 8 months pregnant and she would be having her baby next month. Etta was 6 months pregnant but Tash was, luckily, only 1 month and so she remained as a bridesmaid. Jack and this boy, Max were JJ's best men. We agreed on having it outside On the beach where I took him back. We would have a big archway and limited guests, just close family and friends. Mine and Livi's parents had both died about 4 years ago in a car crash. They had left us with some money, £5,000 left especially for our weddings and Jack offered to help pay for it aswell. We were going to go dress shopping next week, the girls and the boys just going our separate ways. The girls were going to go to this gorgeous wedding dress shop that Tash went to for her wedding dress. She was getting married in three days and I was one of her bridesmaids along with Livi and a few others. I'd say that we had got most of the basics done. The colour theme was lilac and mind green (my two favourite colours!) that was all the basics planned and me and JJ would text each other the rest of the details, he wasn't coming over until 3 days before the wedding. Him and his two best men were having their suits fitted in America seeing as they all live there. It was going to be perfect! Just perfect!

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