Chapter 11

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I honesly dont know where harry was taking me. He said it was a surprise but he knew it got me mad. Cheeky Harold. i was waiting in the car till he came. What was taking him long. Me being myself, i opened the music on full blast. I opened the window trying to seek attention. Many people looked but all i did was sing along. As i peeped out the window, a boy faced me. He looked similar. "Hey do i know you from somewhere?", he questioned me. He does look familiar. "Ummn.. I dont know. Do you?", he looked at me shocked and blurted out "Selena", just then it clicked, it was Austin. We were best friends till he joined the jockey team back when we were in the school years. Austin used to bully me, but i never attacked back. People were presuming that he liked me but i just went with the flow, trying not to cause a scene. After all, he once grabbed my throat and sprung me at the lockes. i was crying like hell. His friends and all the others students were yelling and punched Austin for touching me. Back then, everyone was behind my back. Austin was never like that until he joined the jockey's team like i mentioned before. Seeming that he was polite, he probably tried to change himself. just as i was having a flashback,Austin got me back on track with his really irrelevant question,"So you and that kid Harry?", I was getting pissed off and gave him an annoyed smirk."Yes Austin! we are married like ages ago!", hearing this, i guess he couldn't say anything. 'O' was all he said and looked at me. He started leaning closer to my small face just in time as i backed off and stared at him in disgust. I was going to yell but Harry came out of the house just in time."Whose this?" harry said, seeming pissed. I think he was getting jeleouse. awww. "I dont know, just and old friend"!, i expressed the 'Old friend' really loud. Harry glared at him, making him uncomfortable. Austin looked at me smiling and whispered in my ear,"I'll see you again MSR Selena", as soon as he said 'MSR Selena i felt a shiver run down my spine. As Austin left, Harry turned around to me with a questioning look. I gave him a ' forget about it' look and turned the car on. Harry was driving and singing causing me to laugh. I was getting hungry, I think Harry relised it aswell after my stomach made 'noises'.-_-. We headed for the gas station and ate food and other crap. An hour or later we were at the location known as 'Surprise', it was .... AMAZAYN..! it was a............... hot air balloon ride around the dancing tree tops and the singing wind. I didnt know what to say. " I think im going to cry, Wait give me a second Hazza", I started crying as Harry ran up to me, hugging me. I could feel him smirking." Its alright babe. cry all you want"! i playfully slapped him and kissed his cheek. " Come on Babe"! Hazza said emphasising the 'Babe'. I made my way up the air balloon when i was confronted with a smirking.........


Hey guys i hope you all loved this chapter, i tried to make it as detailed as possible for the sake of my beautiful readers. I wander who the smirking mystery person was. Do you know who it might be? Wll lets just find out in the next chapter of come and get it.

I love you all.xoxoxo


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