Chapter 10

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"So how are you feeling?", my grandma asked Jungkook as my grandparents, Jungkook and I sat around the kitchen table. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's alive. Blood coursing, heart beating.

"Alive. And really hungry.", he said with a chuckle. "I don't understand though. How am I alive?", he questioned. "Lily grab Jungkook something to eat and drink.", she said before turning her attention back to Jungkook. "Well usually when a spirit comes's because they found an important reason to be alive again. Their purpose.", she said, and I could hear the slight smirk in her voice as I made Jungkook some ramen. I felt Jungkook's eyes on me. "It's Lily. She's my purpose.", he said in realization. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, and I looked up. Our eyes met from across the kitchen. "That's what I meant when I said you can't force it, Lily. You two are in love.", she said while admiring the two of us with a warm smile.

"And here I was, thinking you just didn't know what you were talking knew all along.", I said, astonished.

"That's right.", she laughed. "But now that he's alive, we need to track down his parents. If he had been alive for the past three years, he'd be 21, but as of now he's still only 17. You still have to finish high school, don't you?", she asked.

"I guess I do.", he said, looking bummed.

"Do you know where your family moved to?", grandpa asked.

"Yes, I do. They moved to Jeonju.", he said, nearly making me choke.

"Jeonju?!", I exclaimed while placing his ramen in front of him with a glass of water. "I live in Jeonju!"

"Really?" His eyes lit up as a wide smile spread across his face.

"Is this fate or what?", my grandpa said in a stunned tone.

"Well tonight, Jungkook can stay here and tomorrow, when Lily's parents arrive, he'll ride with you guys back to Jeonju, so he can see his parents again for the first time in 3 years.", she said, smiling at Jungkook.

He had a priceless look on his face. A look of pure happiness.

"How are we supposed to explain to mom and dad, that we're gonna have to drive a previously dead boy back to Jeonju with us?", I asked, realizing how crazy this all is.

"Well your mother knows about the work I did in my past, even if it was before she was born. She shouldn't be TOO stunned."

"Mom knows? How?", I said, surprised.

"Oh yeah.", she laughed . "You can leave the job, but the job never leaves you. Now Jungkook's parents may be a different story though. I'm not quite sure how they'll react when he shows up at their front door, all alive and rosy.", she chuckled.

I averted my gaze back to Jungkook to see him scarfing down his food as if he hasn't eaten in years...oh wait. He hasn't.

I smiled to myself. The fact that the love between us was able to bring him back amazed me. Love is a powerful thing.

wHY Am I sO cLIché oMg i APoLoGIZe
(btw yeah I know he's 18 but I don't want them to be adults yet so yah we gon' pretend he's 17 k cool)

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