Chapter 5

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A couple of months pass and everything is going fine. Louise has been stressing over the fact that he doesn't remember. How could he not remember the day they actually met? She couldn't bring it up though, it was just a constant stressor for her. She tried to put it in the back of her mind but it wouldn't go away. She couldn't believe she didn't leave a mark on him. Someone who left a permanent scar within her heart didn't remember the first time they met. And that really hurt her.
     They are sitting on top of the Ferris wheel and Boo Boo says "Louise, I need to tell you something." Louise lost her train of thought and says "What?" Boo Boo looks her in the eye and says "I've never had a friend like you before. I don't think I ever will. No one has ever hung out with me and not got tired of me. I'm so glad we're friends. I want to hang out with you for my whole life." Louise, a little ticked by how he doesn't remember about the first time they met, says, "I think you're cool too. But I don't think you think I'm as cool as you think you do." Boo Boo, very confused by that whole sentence, says, "What? What are you talking about Louise?" The Ferris wheel makes it to the bottom they both get off and Louis says "You don't remember me. We had a moment. And you don't remember it at all. I'm that same person you met before and you don't even remember me. You probably won't even remember me in two years from now. I'm not important to you. I've been thinking about this for a long time, Boo Boo. When we met the second time you just flirted with me. Have you been doing this the whole time? Are you even telling the truth? Are you just flirting with me? Did you just flirt with me on your tour bus? Do you just flirt with everyone? What do I even mean to you? We hang out every day, and I even talk about 'once when I snuck on a boy band's tour bus.' You don't even flinch! You know what? I think I need to be alone for awhile. I can't do this anymore. It's getting to my head too much. I'll talk to you later Boo Boo. It won't be hard for you to find another girl to hang out with." And begins to walk away.
    "Louise!" Boo Boo yells and grabs her arm. "Louise! I remember! I remember that night! I thought you didn't remember so I didn't say anything! I remember! I remember you and your sister sneaking onto my tour bus. You slapped me in the face! I thought you would think I was weird if I remembered! And the reason I flirted with you the second time we met is because I think you are pretty. I realized quickly that you weren't interested so I backed off. I wanted to be friends because I would do anything to be able to hang out with you. Usually, when I think a girl is pretty and she isn't interested I just drop them because they aren't worth my time. But you are! You are Louise! I would stand in a hurricane if it meant I could hang out with you. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I care about you more than anyone in the world. You are funny, and so smart. You're so beautiful, especially when you think of a scheme. I see you when I close my eyes and I see you within my dreams. Louise, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. You are the smartest person I know. I can't believe you would be stupid enough to believe I don't care about you. Don't ever let me go."
   Louise, teary eyed grabs his face with one hand and slaps him. It was a gentle slap, but it meant a lot to him. Louise then puts her arms around his soft neck and kisses him. They both have never kissed anyone before, but it was the most passionate kiss you could imagine. Louise then let's go and says "I want to hang out with you for my whole life, too."

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