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Chapter 13:

Rey's POV

"What now, Rey?" Javier whispered.

"Just act natural..." I told him. "Act like you belong...don't say anything cause they'll automatically know you're from the Raziahs." I warned him.

"My lips are peeled..." Javier said and I frowned. I shook my head and looked at him.

"It's sealed..." I corrected. I opened the back door and we walked in like we was part of the Lumineers...part of it made my skin crawl, but I had to be cool.

"Hey..." Some big guy said spotting us. There was two of them, but the other one was skinny and tall.

"Yo, wassup!" I said like I knew them. They looked at each other and then back at me.

"Who the hell are you?" The fat one said.

"Whatchu mean? Y'all don't remember me? Elijah aka Ill E (A/N pronounced "ill"...depending on the font it might look like a three L's)" I said shaking my head.

"And who dis?"

"Lil J... Jared. You know we had to change our name, so we don't look white and shit." I said.

"I still don't know who or what you two are?"

"Damn...let me quit tripping. Ight so we here to see Luther so we can make a deal for some drugs." I said. They looked unsure but they still guide me and Javier to a room.

Storm's POV

"You look even sexier than I can remember, boo." Trey said with a smirk on his face. "So how have you been? It's been, what, two years?" He said so nonchalantly.

"'s been three." I corrected in a harsh tone.

"Oh so you missed me?" Trey said kneeling to my level. He was so close and I looked away. Then I frowned and looked at him mean mugged.

"Missed you? Da fuck you mean, missed you?" I said clenching my teeth. "Nigga, you raped me along with you're weak ass friends. So fuck naw I ain't miss you." I said folding my arms. Trey started laughing, but he punched me straight in the eye as if the things that made me a woman, disappeared.

"That's what got you fucked up in the first place. All that mouth..." Trey said as I held my eye. I could tell by the way it was throbbing that it was gonna turn black.

"You fucked me up!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah I did...I tore you up. It was some good pussy too." Trey said. I felt the fire in my eyes and I tackled him and he actually fell, knocking over the glass vase on the desk. I started choking him.

"Son of a bitch! I trusted you and you broke it for no reason. You sick asshole!" I screamed as I slapped and clawed at his face. Trey grabbed my wrist and flipped me over.

"Stupid slut!" He said as he slapped me. "You're nothing but a dirty whore like your mom was. I mean look at you...selling your body for the Raziahs. I knew you were gonna end up a filthy street walker." He said holding my neck with one hand. I clawed at his arm so he could let go, but he held tighter.

My eyes started to blur, but I didn't give up. I felt for something to hit him with. I felt my finger get pierced. I felt some more, meanwhile I kicked him in the balls to see if that was gonna stop him.

I heard him yell something in pain, but that only made him grip tighter. I felt a big piece of glass and grabbed it quickly. I stabbed Trey...I didn't see where, but I felt the tight grip release from my neck. I pushed him off as I coughed. I held my neck and my eyes started to clear my eye sight. I started to crawling toward the door trying to find Eli. I needed him...

Rey ElíasWhere stories live. Discover now