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Dream, noun: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep

"Time to sleep, Lester." King Arthur said, walking into the room and closing the door behind him. Dan and Phil were just joking around like normal teenagers until this point.

"What if I get scared at night? No one will be there to protect me!"

"That's why we have guards, Daniel."

"Someone to comfort me, someone who understands what I'm going through."

"Me and your step-mum are here for that."

"Someone my age, Dad. Not a self-obsessed person with only one opinion on things."

"Hey! Don't talk like that to your father!" the king demanded. He sighed after a few seconds before replying. "Fine, but if it causes any trouble, tell Clifford [not the big red dog]. He'll put it right."

"It has a gender and a name, male and Phil." Dan said sympathetically, looking at Phil then back at King Arthur.

"Whatever, Phil can stay unless he causes any trouble." Dan smiled after his father finished.

Then, he watched as the grumpy king wandered out of the room, slamming the door shut in annoyance. Dan jumped into bed, but before his eyes fluttered closed, he realised Phil wasn't going to bed either – in fact, he was writing things down. Dan stared at Phil, watching his feeble hands flow with the ballpoint pen as it raced across the paper.

"Whatcha writing?" Dan whispered, Phil glanced up at Dan and sighed. How can I lie to him? He thought, I can't let him find out the truth or else Clifford will have my throat slit. Think, Phil! Think!

"I-I'm writing letters."

"To who?"

"My mother."

"B-But I thought she was-"

"I know," Phil interrupted, "but I like to think she still is, and that she could read these and maybe even reply. I like that feeling of expressing my emotions through letters."

"Is it like a dream journal?"

"Kind of, why?"

"I have one." Dan said, stretching down underneath his bed to grab a blue notebook. "My therapist said I could write in this to see what I'm feeling and how I can stop or evolve this feeling." Phil smiled afterwards, looking back down to carry on writing.

"So," Phil alleged as he wrote, "if you felt an emotion like love in your sleep, it means that you-"

"Have a crush. But I haven't felt that yet. My therapist said I'll know in my dreams when that emotion is present." Dan replied, giggling to himself as he slid into his sleeping position.

"Goodnight Phil."

"Goodnight Dan."

[and this is where we have dream duty *sighs*]

Walls surrounded me, making me feel scarce.
I felt a tingly, cold breath run down my neck, making me shiver in fear. Spinning around, I met the eyes of a boy in a black hoodie, his head bowed.

"Nice to see you, killer." He chuckled, lifting his head up. Half of his face was masked in orange paint, shaped in the ying-and-yang symbol. His eyes were bright red, just like the Shinigami eyes that I had heard about in stories that Japanese visitors read to me.

"I-I-I wouldn't k-kill a soul! I p-p-promise!" I stuttered, tears wanting to form in my eyes.

"Tell that to my people! Look them in the eye and shout it!" he shouted, causing me to peer around the intimidating man. There was an army of people, all wearing the same face-paint, hoodies, and eyes. The eyes were the most vivid to me, making me shiver at the thought of their power. I couldn't take my eyes off of the piercing colour spinning around their pupil. It scared me how the Black Enigmas had this terrible power.

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