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Insanity, noun: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness

Dan didn't know what to do.

During the silence after Phil's death, the Black Enigmas scurried off before anyone came for them. They couldn't even stay for a bit of consideration, they couldn't stay to mourn their friend's death. Dan hated people who do that, forget about someone who died and risked their life for them. Like his father.

You could say Dan was partly relieved that his father was dead. He wouldn't get bugged 24/7, saying that he has to do this and that. He won't have to learn all these confusing words and terms that he may never use again. He would live a free life where nothing but making everyone happy mattered.

But then life stabbed him in the back. Dan can't survive the pressure of running a village on his own.

His father made it look easy, but then he's done it for several years. He needed them extra pushes from his dad to help him. Now he doesn't have that.

'You're not gonna make it,' those idiotic voices said. They disappeared at least 6 months after his mother died, but now they were back. 'You're nothing without your father, Zoë doesn't love you - and now with Phil gone, you have no one. Everyone you love is having the time of their life in heaven, while you're still stuck in this hell called reality. How does it feel Dan? Not having anyone to care for you? To love you? To kiss you and tell you it's alright? Not even your step-mother cares. You have no one Dan, nobody cares.'

"People do care. Tanya cares. So does Jim and Hannah." He mumbled,

'Dan, it's their job! They get paid to like you, because without their job, they wouldn't care at all. They wouldn't care if you were overthrown, if you were on the mucky streets, if you were dead. If it wasn't for that Phil idiot, you would be dead. You'd be with your family and you'd be in a world of happiness and rainbows and unicorns for all I know. You've failed Dan, and there's no way to succeed from here onwards.'

"Yes there is!" He shouts, the crowds look at him in confusion. 'You're going insane, Dan. Carry on like that, I enjoy your pain.'

"Daniel, I think we should go-" his mother tries to get him out of there.

"No! I will not! Not while it's still here!" Dan shouts, 'Hey, I have a name.'

"Tell me your stupid name then!"

'My name is [Jacob Sartorius], nice to meet you.'

"Well, Jacob, get out of my head for goodness sake!"

"DANIEL JAMES HOWELL!" his mother shouted, almost causing an earthquake, "I had enough of your antics, we can't have a King who's slowly going insane!" [I typed Dab James Howell when doing this omg stop me plz]

"Put his butt in a cell!" Someone shouted from the back of the room, in which the crowd agreed. His mother dragged him out of the church by his hands, his body scrapping against the cold marble. He was bound to have some sort of friction burn somehow, but at least he'll be out of the place of his lover's death. His lifeless body was still there: the blood dried into his shirt, his jet black hair - the same colour Dan images his heart - stained with dark red spots, his eyes cold and shut, yet his skin was the same colour. But then, Phil was paler than Count Dracula, so his skin would change either way. They got into the carriage as it drove to the palace dungeons. The 5 minute drive felt like hours according to Dan, he knew he'd never get out of that cell for a while. He'd just go more insane. Oh how insanity is horrific.

Clifford pushed him into the cell, fire burning in his eyes with a malevolent smirk plastered on his face.

"I knew you deserved to go into a cell, Howell. Just like your boyfriend."

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