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^^In love with this song 😍😍^^
Marriage, noun: the legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship.

He stood in front of his bedroom mirror, staring into his deep brown eyes. He sighed, adjusting his bow tie so it was completely symmetrical. 'This was it,' he thought to himself, 'the day I marry someone I don't love.' He wanted to just run, run away from all this madness. He wanted to run from this marriage; from his parents; from his status. But he would only do it if it could be with Phil Lester, the only person who still loves him. But that can't happen, not while he still was the heir to the crown. Only if Phil was a prince, then his father might allow them to be together. Strike that, reverse it, he would only let that happen if Phil was a girl - in which that might not happen. Life just wasn't fair.
Once again, he sighed, slipping into his black blazer and going to grab his black shoes from the box - but they weren't there.

"Looking for these?" A voice said from behind him. Dan pivoted to see a short boy with a dirty blonde quiff leaning against his bedpost, swinging his shoes in his hands. It was just Joe.

"Yes! Urrr, thanks."

"No problem, happy to help out my future brother-in-law." Joe chuckled as he threw the shoes at Dan, who caught them both perfectly in his hands. "Good catch." Joe replied.

"Why are you being so kind? You only want to be king of both kingdoms, so is this sarcasm?"

"Dan! I'm actually being nice, geez." Joe smiled, "I just want to make sure that you're alright for Zoë. She's had a lot of male attraction lately, and I think that you'll be alright for her. You've been kind and relatable, also very honest and caring. Nothing much to hide, to be honest."

'Well Joe, that's when you're wrong.' Dan thought to himself.

"I just want Zoë to be happy, you know? Even if she does love that boy outside."

"Wait, you know about that?"

"I'm surprised my parents didn't hear her 'tip-toeing' down the stairs." Joe chuckled, gesturing the appropriate words, "she only wanted someone to love her the way he does, but I remember seeing her one night, running up to the village boy and jumping into his arms. Only if someone could love me like that."

"Why? You're much hotter than me!"

"That's not the point, Dan."

"Then what is it? Tell me, Joe!"

"I-I-I don't really like girls, to be honest." Joe mumbled, "well, I do, but not as much as boys." Dan looked at Joe wide eyed, then smiled.

"It's alright, I'm sure you'll find the one someday."

"Please don't tell my father though, he'll kill me if he found out!"

'Easy for you to say,' Dan thought in his head, 'I'm breaking two of the rules.' But he obviously couldn't say that, so he settled for another response.

"I promise I won't, I respect people's privacy." He smiled, Joe hugged him. Dan patted him on the back, which - according to others - is what friend boys do.

"Thanks, bro." Joe said, letting go and walking out the door. "Our family's made the right choice with you." Then, once he made sure Joe was out of hearing range, Dan exhaled with relief. Of course he won't tell anyone Joe's secret, but he has to keep his around the Suggs or else they may deny the marriage. At least it was private, or else Dan would be in fear of an objection.

His father came in earlier, telling him how proud he was of him and all that. But now it was his step-mother's turn. She burst through the doors and gasped in surprise. She started to well up and smiled.

"Daniel, baby, you look stunning!" She said tearfully, pulling out a tissue and dabbing it under her eyes.

"Don't cry Anastasia, I had to grow up someday."

"You know," she looked me in the eye, still masked in make-up as per usual, "even though Katie up in the stars could never replace me, you can call me mother."
Bringing up his mum left Dan teary eyed, if only his mum could be here beside him, Dan would do anything to have that. But he can't, no one has the power to bring back the dead.

"Thanks, mum."

"I want to give you something," she unclipped a chain around her neck, gold and a small cross dangling from it, "it was Katie's, your father gave it to me, but I'm giving it to you. By having this, I felt like I had a bit more support for looking after you, but I think you need her more than I do." She placed the chain into Dan's palms, he tightened his grip happily and hugged Anastasia. Even though she can shout and be horrible, she can have her good periods of time. This was one of good times, being kind and supportive in the best of times.

"Thank you so much." Dan grinned as Anastasia pecked him on the cheek.

"My big boy's growing into a man!" She squealed, pulling at Dan's cheeks like he was a chipmunk, before turning towards the door to sort out a few more wedding things.

'This isn't what I wanted,' Dan prayed, 'you wanted me to have the partner I wanted, mum. But we had to listen to dad's orders, but he knows what's best for me. I know you don't agree with me, but I should hopefully see Phil again. Love you and miss you so much. Amen'

He heard a noise from downstairs, probably from his dad, which made Dan wander down the stairs to the carriage. The wedding had to be in private, or else there would be 'an attack from the vermins of the street' according to his father. He hated that expression so much, as much as his father hated the specials altogether.
"And by the almighty power invested in me," the priest smiled, Zoë looked at me with that look of 'we-need-to-do-that-convincing-kiss-again', in which Dan understood. "I pronounce you husband and wife!" He looked at Dan, "you may now kiss the bride." Dan decided to put his drama skills to the test and gave Zoë his full embrace, the small crowd rising to their feet in the church. It was on the outskirts of Oudela, which the Black Enigmas never suspected. When Dan released the kiss between him and Zoë, he heard a small pop and they giggled. The roars of joy exploded in the building, which was the next thing the newlyweds saw as they ran out of the church to the carriage, where they met Arthur and Anastasia.

"Daniel! I have some good new for you!" Arthur cheered when they entered the carriage.

"Are we going on honeymoon?" Dan exclaimed,

"Is it the Bahamas?" Zoë squealed.

"It's not a honeymoon, but that is being sorted out. It's about the Black Enigmas." Dan started to pay more attention at the last two words, "Ben Pierce - Head of the EPA - caught Phil and his escapist gang, and they're being sentenced to death on the day of your coronation!"

"What?" Dan said, trying to sound excited, when really, he was angry.

"Yeah, you won't have to worry about them for the rest of your reign. And that idiot Phil will never get in the way of my newlyweds!" Dan and Zoë smiled at each other, but really, they were both scared.

"Thank god for that." Zoë said, stopping Dan from saying anything.

For the rest of the trip, everyone admired the scenery of the Evernon outskirts. Everyone except Dan. He was still worrying about how he'll survive without Phil's beautiful smile, and his precious eyes, and his calming voice. Oh Phil would have been the perfect partner, but - like his parents always told him - life isn't fair, and it will never be fair.
Snazzy new chapter up for y'all!

Happy 1st July! And Happy early Independence Day for all you American readers out there! Say hi if you're from 'Murica!

QOTD: if you were given a ticket to fly anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Me: I would go Australia because it looks so cool and it's v good for sightseer and I also want to find nemo and dory. Come on, who doesn't?

brb gotta go get a sense of humour ^-^

~ Georgia Da Bae Llamacorn :D

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