Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

16 missed calls and 71 text messages. They were all from him.

I should’ve known not to trust him. I knew better than that. But it didn’t stop me from believing him, and even believing in him.

Glaring at the wall, I thought to myself: Stupid Maddie, stupid mate, stupid werewolf genes, stupid me. Why was everything so stupid? Oh, yeah, because life is stupid.

My phone beeped—27 missed calls.

I wanted to punch the wall. Heck, I wanted to punch Liam and Maddie, too! But sadly, violence is frowned upon. I groaned as I got another text. Moments later, the doorbell rang for the sixth time tonight. Sighing, I stood up. I didn’t care about the price of getting to slap him was.

Trudging down the stairs and pulling the door open, I was about to bark at him to go away when I realized it wasn’t who I expected.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked bluntly, “I figured you’d ditch me like he did.”

Danny, Cat, Jill, Drew and even Alyssa were standing on my front porch frowning.

“Sorry my brother’s a huge dick,” Jill said, taking a cautious step towards me. I sighed.

“You guys are just trying to be nice. Come on in,” I told them and led the five of them to my room. Walking in, I sat in my desk chair, Alyssa and Drew on the edge of my bed, Jill leaning against the door and Danny and Cat sat in the middle of the floor.

Alyssa spoke first, “So what happened exactly?”

“Liam and Maddie kissing in the hallway, that’s what,”  I told them bitterly. Drew shook his head while glaring at the ground and Jill had a distant look on her face. Danny and Cat seemed to be talking privately through the pack link and Alyssa just nodded in response.

Drew sighed, “We have to tell her.”

Everyone nodded but Jill just continued to stare off in space. What was she thinking about? I wondered.

“Tell me what?” I asked.

“About Liam—and Maddie,” Danny spoke up. She seemed upset about whatever it was they were talking about.

“What about them?” I questioned, starting to get irritated.

I had a feeling that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

 I was right. 

"Maddie used to live here, two years ago. We were all freshman," Drew began, "And she being the cheer captain and Liam being him, they naturally started dating. You know, hot cheerleader and future alpha-- everyone predicted it.

"So, they dated for half a year and they really hit it off. But then she ended up being a backstabbing bitch and turned out to be a spy for these rogues that were attacking us. She was kicked out of the pack and moved because of how much hate she got." 

"As you can obviously tell--" Alyssa started, but was cut off by Jill. 

"She was our friend, too. The ring leader of our group," Jill shook her head as she spoke. She then spat, "And now the evil bitch is back." 

"Did- Did he love her?" I asked, voice cracking. 

They all frowned and I could feel my heart breaking. My voice came out quiet and weak, "I take that as a yes." 

A tear fell down my cheek and onto my lap. I blinked back more tears that threatened to follow. The doorbell started to ring vigorously and I stood up, peaking around my curtains. 

"It's Liam," I said to no one in particular. 

Cat spoke up, "Doesn't surprise me." 

Was that supposed to make me feel better? 

I heard my brother and Liam shouting downstairs, arguing. The sound of a fist making contact with flesh echoed and footsteps thundered up the stairs. I looked over at Jill, "You might wanna move." 

As soon as she stepped away, the door burst open, revealing a very angry looking Liam. He was breathing heavily and looked like he was ready to kill. Drew, Alyssa, Cat, Danny and Jill all stood in front of me, blocking his view. 

"Let me see her!" He barked, but no one flinched. Well, except for me. 

Liam growled and took a step forward but Jill stepped closer to him, stopping his movement, "You need to calm down. You're scaring her and she doesn't need to see you like this." 

"Just let me talk to her," His shoulders slumped. I mentally sighed and whispered into Drew's ear. He nodded and spoke up. 

"Five minutes to talk, that's it," He said and walked past Liam to the door. The others gave me reassured smiles and followed him, closing the door and leaving me with Liam. 

He stepped towards me with his arm out, "Faith, I--" 

I cut him off, "Did you love her?" 

Liam sighed, "They told you." 

It wasn't a question. I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself. Suddenly I was regretting the idea of talking to him. 

"You have to understand, I hate her now. Okay? I was leaning on my locker trying to get over the fact that she was back, because she got kicked out of the pack. And she came out of nowhere and just kissed me, okay? It was horrible timing because she started as soon as you rounded the corner. I pushed her off of me as soon as I could and I heard running, I turned to look and I saw your bracelet. Faith, I'm so sorry," He said, holding out my bracelet for me to take. 

Carefully, I grabbed it and set it on my desk, "It still doesn't change what happened." 

He sighed, "No, I guess it doesn't." 

Liam turned around and made his way to the door. I called out, "You never answered my question." 

He turned around, "Did you love her?" 

"I did," He spoke sadly after a while, before opening the door and walking out. I dropped to my knees and covered my face with my hands, tears falling. 

My friends rushed back in, trailed by an angry Jason who was holding and ice pack to his jaw. Jill ran up to me and knelt down next to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulder, "Faith, you have to talk to me, what happened?" 

I cried, still. 

"You have to tell us what happened so we can help," Drew chimed in. 

I shook my head, tears still falling. 

This time, Alyssa was the one who spoke, "Are you okay?" 

I looked up at her, tears still falling down my face. Am I okay?  My lip trembled and I shook my head no. I wasn't okay, "He loved her. He told me." 

"But that's past tense right? He has you now," Danny tried to cheer me up. 

Shaking my head, I wiped my cheeks off with the backs of my hands, "If you loved someone and they came back, wouldn't you still love them?" 

They didn't answer, and I knew they finally understood what I was dealing with. 

A/N: sad face D: and picture of Maddie to the right → does anyone like her??

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