Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 

"Faith! Where the hell are my shoes?" Jason shouted at me. 

I rolled my eyes at him, "Calm down, brother. They're on your feet." 

Looking down, he realized his shoes were in fact on his feet, causing him to blush. Sighing, I slipped on shoes of my own and skipped down the front steps, joining Liam in his car. Leaning over the middle, I brushed my lips against his, "Morning." 

He smiled, "A good morning it is." 

Giving him a mock concerned look, I rested my hand over the top of his, "Are you okay, there? You're talking a little weird." 

Liam chuckled, picking up my hand and kissing it, "Just happy to be with my favorite girl." 

"Someone's being a suck-up," I muttered, sitting back in my seat as we continued down the road, making our way to school. 

Mondays suck. 

As we pulled into the parking lot, I groaned, "Why is there school again?" 

"So the world isn't full of idiots," Liam replied, cutting off the engine. He hurried out of the car and opened my door for me, offering me his hand as help to get off. 

"Well thank you, sir," I mocked a british accent. 

He smiled and adapted an accent as well, "Of course, m'lady." 

Walking into the building, hand in hand, we met up with our friends. 

Jill smiled at me, Something's gonna happen today, I can feel it

You remember the plan? I asked her. 

Winking at me, I took her answer as a yes. Kissing Liam on the cheek, I let go of his hand, "Jill and I have to go ask Mr. Meyers a question. I'll see you in second period." 

"I'll miss you, beautiful," He whispered in my ear. 

I could only imagine how red my face was, despite my pathetic attempts to hide the blush. 

"So what do you think their plan is?" She asks me as we walk down the hallway to meet Drew. 

Shrugging, I sighed, "I have no clue." 


Today was going to be interesting, that's for sure. 

After Faith and Jill left, Josh sidled up next to me, "Hey man, you ready?" 

Rubbing my sweaty palms against my legs, I replied quietly, "Ready as I'll ever be." 

As our group continued talking in the hall I glanced around, brows furrowing, "Hey. Where's Drew?" 

Everyone shrugged in unison, making me sigh. Deciding to find out, I mind linked him, Hey, man. Where are you? 

Huh? Oh. Hey, Liam. I'm in Mr. Meyers' class. Group project I gotta help with, he answered. 

Okay, thanks. I put my walls back up. 

So Jill and Faith had gone to work on a group project with Drew. That makes sense. 

Pausing as we walked to first period, Josh and Justin gave me curious looks. I could feel my eyes narrow, "None of them have Mr. Meyers." 

Their eyes widened and I nodded. 

Something was up. 

Finally, it was lunch. The time I've been waiting for all day. Ditching Faith, which I felt really bad about and my wolf scolded me for doing so, I sprinted to the cafeteria and found that all the preparations were set. 

Josh ran in and sighed relief when he saw that everything was set. We heard voices that I would recognize anywhere from the hall and the lights were shut off. 

 Standing where were supposed to and waited for the doors to open. When they did, I heard Faith mutter, "What the--?" 

We cut her off by the lights turning on, revealing the entire junior class wearing blue and everyone in the front holding up a sign that read in big bold blue letters, HOMECOMING? Everyone in the back held up either a white or blue balloon. 

I stood at the end of the question mark with a bouquet of flowers, smiling and Faith and Josh stood at the other end, smiling at Jill. 

Walking simultaneously up to our mates, I held out the flowers for Faith and smiled, "Homecoming?" 

"No," I heard her and Jill say simultaneously and then ran out of the room. Glancing at Josh, we ran after them. Somehow, they managed to stay far ahead of us, racing through the surprisingly empty halls. 

Still racing, we followed them into the gym and I wrapped my arms around Faith, causing her to squeak, but she didn't look at me. She stared straight ahead, and so did I. 

I thought my way was grand. 

The floor was littered with purple and black balloons, the lights off except for in the middle of the gym, where a sign was lit up. In elegant cursive, written in purple, read Will You Go to Homecoming With Me? 

Did they seriously plan this? 

Suddenly, slow music started to play and I recognized it as Fix You by Coldplay. 

Faith turned in my arms and looked up at me, grinning sheepishly, "Liam John Cooper, will you do me the honor of attending the annual Homecoming dance with me, Faith Harper?" 

I wanted to kiss her. So I did, and she kissed back. 

We were going to homecoming together, that's all I thought as our lips moved together with the perfect rhythm, making the perfect melody. 

This girl could teach me a thing or two about love. 

A/N: Surprise! Liam's point of view! Haha, well I hope you liked it! Sorry it's kinda short :P ps. i lied. you'll see Faith's dress next chapter!! 

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